Gate 35 & Collective Circuitry
It is one of those things to understand about being collective. If you have collective definition look at it carefully, because the collective definition that you carry is impersonal. Don’t make it personal, you will really suffer.
It is the whole business of the problem people have with the 18-58 because of its critical capacity. That’s collective. When they tell you that you should get new shoes, you ask them if that means that I should get new shoes and the rest of the planet should get new shoes, and what kind of shoes should the planet wear, it is collective it is not personal. It is never going to be personal.
This hunger isn’t personal (35.4). It is a collective hunger for experience.
The werewolf (35.4) this is where the broken heart is so common. “You said you wanted me, we had such a wonderful time. You don’t call me anymore. You used me. I am a victim,” Bla bla bla and the other one is telling stories, never sees the person again, “wow, I had this night it was absolutely fantastic.”
That’s enough, for them it is enough, that is what experience is for so you get another story.
Because it is the story that is the history of humanity. And that is the job of the abstract collect experience. I don’t want to do Bill Clinton’s trip but at least we find out about it don’t we?
That is the collective experience, we don’t have to do it because we get the story from somebody else. Why we love books, and movies and tv and all this stuff because this is the essence of what is collective.
So while that person’s heart is breaking because they took it all personal, the other one is living out their impersonal collective reality, “that was great, it was so much fun…”
And if you ask them why did you not call that person back or why don’t you have something to do with them, you had such a great time,” they look at you like you are nuts.
What is the name of that movie that has been floating around? ‘It is as Good as it Gets,’ for the 35 that is as good as it gets.
There is this incredible moment and if you keep that moment as an experience that they can share they can relive the beauty of that moment, the specialness of that moment the rest of their life, which for them is much more rewarding then calling up that person up again only to discover that it is not going to turn out to be so incredible, and then they make it personal, and then they have a problem. "
~Ra Uru Hu