How to raise a Manifestor’s hackles
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
”It’s the same thing with communicating with a Manifestor.
We have all of these ways we see in Human Design to relate to the other.
We have all this asking the Generator and inviting the Projector, these kinds of things that are there.
But Manifestors are very odd in that way. That is, we’re not here to be asked. And we're not here to be told.
As a matter of fact, if you ask a Manifestor in all likelihood there is going to be residual anger that’s there because in fact, they’re not a Generator and this is not what they’re about.
And the same thing is true in terms of telling a Manifestor, because telling a Manifestor anything is only going to raise their hackles.
It’s so interesting about this political Strategy of the Manifestor.
And when I say political, it is.
That is, the Strategy to inform, as an adult Manifestor.
And informing is really an interesting thing because it's a two-way street.
If somebody asks you, basically trying to figure out how to relate to you as a Manifestor, probably the most important thing to tell them is all we need is to be informed.
That’s what we need. We’re not here to be stimulated by the other to take action in a direct sense, to ask, to tell, these kinds of things.
After all, the one thing that is special about us is that we are here to act according to our nature.
We are here to manifest and we’re here to manifest in that sense on our own and we’re here to follow whatever our Strategy leads us to in terms of manifesting.
When somebody is communicating with us and they’re trying to dictate or they’re trying to ask us, there is very little natural response in the Manifestor.
I think it’s why Manifestor children, as an example, have a lot of problems; obviously, in the not-self world anyway.
But the difficulty of what that is, because chemically, and I'm only speaking chemically, the moment you ask a Manifestor to do something, chemically there is a whole release of anger. It’s just there.”
~Ra Uru Hu