We begin to see our vulnerabilities
Koen’s Ra quote of the day -
"One of the first things to do, in order to be able to map your life cycle, is that you take a Human Design wheel and highlight the hexagrams that are the harmonics to your activated gates.
In other words those gates that are sticking out in no-man’s-land. Looking for something on the other side.
Chart what's on the other side.
Map those gates as you go around the wheel. And what you have then is a ‘trigger map’.
You have a map of triggers that are going to impact on you.
And it’s going to be a lot easier for you – particularly if you're new in the knowledge – to recognise what's taking place.
You lay out your map and all you have to do is look at the Ephemeris and when you see those hexagrams come up, you know “Ok. Let’s see what this is doing”.
In the beginning, the process is: look ahead and see what's coming.
In the end, it’s: look behind and see how funny it is!
Because that’s the process. First you have to see it for yourself and you have to learn how to sense these conditioning elements.
So you have to be prepared. You have to know when to put up the umbrella. You have to know what's coming so you can sense it.
[I’m not entirely sure I agree with this ’being prepared’ idea, though I have considered a workbook at times. But it feels like it can set the stage for a heck of a lot of confirmation bias and general Mind involvement. Can get stuck in the weeds trying to see all the things all at once. Hindsight sure. - A]
Remember it’s not easy to notice one gate. Please understand that, how confusing it is in a room like this. Everything’s active.
The world’s like that. You go home to your families and there's multiple auras that you're dealing with.
Remember my little story at the beginning. I was all alone. I didn’t have any interference field around me. It was much easier for me within that context to really see at some level of purity what my relationship was specifically to the Program.
I'm not suggesting, by the way, that you go and live in nature for a while. But what I am saying is that you have to realise that only in the beginning by focusing on what those activations are going to be, can you actually have the attention to recognise them when they're taking place.
It’s not easy; we’re so dead.
The magical senses, our real sensitivity, it’s not there.
And recognise something about all gates, channels and centers – this is your place of deepest sensitivity.
There's so many things that you can just read, that we call ‘mystical’. But they're not. We are deeply sensitive creatures; we can take it in.
But after living the not-self forever you deaden all of that.
You don’t get to really see the nuance and you don’t see how all of that is really working in you.
So the moment that you're following the Program and you can see your own map, you can see the triggers, and you can begin this process of focusing your attention on what that is.
How does this work? How does this feel?
And it’s nothing more than beginning the role of being a passenger.
It’s what I like about the Ephemeris.
As you begin to explore the Ephemeris, you begin to depersonalise. It’s one of the first things that happens.
‘Depersonalise’ in the sense that you become much more an observer of events. The Program says to you ‘You're a 39 and the 55’s coming’.
So you look at that and you say ‘Well, what does that mean?”. It means that there's this emotional energy that’s there. There's this melancholy.
Wait and see that.
How it impacts on you. What it feels like. Where it takes you.
Often you'll forget, because that’s the way it works. And then the next day suddenly you'll have this “Oh yes. That’s what happened”. You begin to see it. You begin to recognise it.
And remember, it’s not like there's only one planet that's going to be impacting you in your design; you’ve got many, in different places.
That’s what I mean about recognising that you cannot, in any way, conquer this through knowing it.
You can experience it by being yourself, and in that you're going to have a pure ride. But you can't conquer it intellectually, it’s just too much.
But you'll begin to see, by becoming familiar with your design, your vulnerabilities.
For me, I have four open centres but the emotions that really mess me up, here's my first focus.
And once I understood how I interacted with those connections of my emotions, there were other places to go.
I could look at what happened to me when my Root Centre would be activated and how much pressure that put on me. I began to explore what happened to me in the Sacral Center. I eventually began to see what happened to me in my open Head Center.
[This makes way more sense to me - Center awareness - so valuable - and Gates as they draw our attention. That’s been what’s suited me - only you can know what suits you. There is no rush though, eh? - A]
And when I was done looking at the centers, I got lost in looking at gates and channels.
To see all of the conditioning elements and just watch them. Not do anything. This is not knowledge in which when you see, you can alter.
That’s not what this is about. It’s about that when you finally see what's really there, that is it a Program, you can let go. You can let go.
In the beginning I thought it would be very easy. I really did. It was so obvious to me that I figured it would be obvious for everyone. It’s just so easy.
And then you come up with such easy mechanics. Not only easy mechanics, but they get verified by science – there are only four types, four mechanical ways to operate in a vehicle. You would think that everybody would wake up.
Human beings that are conditioned, it’s a real journey. You have to see you're helpless. You have to see the truth of that.
And you have to recognise that in that helplessness there is something magical and perfect – you! And that ‘you’ emerges.
And it emerges the moment you give up being in control of your life.
It’s the moment that you watch as a passenger how you're made this way and that way, and move this way and that way, and it’s just a Program.
I always wondered why I would be in a funky mood in the heart of winter. I found out! It wasn’t winter. I spent most of my life looking for the sun.
I thought I needed to get rid of winter because winter made me emotional and angry. It’s the damn planets.
What I like about the Sun/Earth Program is that it really gives value to that old expression about ‘This too shall pass’. It’s what I learned.
The planets just keep moving around the wheel. These things do pass. And all those moments of blackness for somebody who’s a 6 and is hit by the 59 or somebody who’s a 39 and has to deal with the 55, this too shall pass.
So watch it; don’t let it hook you. It doesn’t have to hook you. It doesn’t have to become the decision you make.
This is the magic of decision-making. Decision-making keeps you honest.
You make decisions as yourself and it doesn’t matter what the energy is. It makes no difference.
You're going to operate correctly and you're going to be able to take advantage of whatever is there.
The Nodes of the Moon.
In the same way that the movement of the Sun/Earth through a gate, which is 6 days, when you're looking at the Nodes of the Moon they're basically ‘seasons’.
If you look at the index in the back in terms of the timing, you'll see that they stay approximately 106 days.
So, basically, you're looking at something that’s about on average 3½ months. Every 3½ months we have a seasonal change on an 18½ year cycle.
And Node cycles are very profound.
And remember that because the Nodes are a position and not an object, that these nodal cycles are trans-cellular cycles. They're much greater cycles, they link us to the larger life.
They're also very deceptive; they're sneaky. They go right in there and they get you!
And they stay long enough for you to think that this will not pass!
Tomorrow’s another day – it really is so.
When you look at the Earth and Sun changing lines, you really get something different each day. Yesterday, with all of its 3rd line nonsense, it passes.
But the Nodes, it doesn’t. It hangs in there.
And you begin to think that something is changing you. That something has suddenly happened to you.
And because of the way our brains work – our mind system is all about making up reasons – the moment that it happens, you have a reason for it.
If it’s coincidental to the interaction with another, you will just put that on them. ‘It’s because of that conversation, that moment, that problem …. that I have this now’.
Or ‘Because I read that book last night I woke up this morning enlightened’.
Because, because, because, because …"
Ra Uru Hu