Notself - Entrepreneur Sessions (beta)
Limited availability: 6
So the next puzzle piece, to run at the same time as the new group for coaches and guides I mentioned the other day … is, I think to try a beta round of Notself Sessions.
Basically for looking at your business possibilities and what can be tweaked to be also living your Design.
If you’ve been around a minute, you’ll already know that I do these beta session experiment things from time to time (different focus each time).
Past beta projects include:
- Variables sessions
- The 4 Transformations (color/tone layer of extended charts)
- Projector parents (whether you are one or had one - or both like me ☺️)
- Notself sessions
- Family/relationship dynamics (a super lite / practical version)
Each time, my own understanding has been accelerated by seeing the mechanics in real lives, real time across multiple charts.
And, thanks to my Unexpected Cross - “Purpose fulfilled through Mind” and open G, we always go in surprising directions,
Which is great (so GREAT) for investigating - and figuring out new formats.
For you - assuming you recognize me …
The biggest result from having a 1-on-1 Notself session with me is always the unexpected mind-tweaks that naturally occur in pretty much all conversations with me.
Being experimental/new territory, these are always lower cost than my regular sessions.
Also, it might be important to know that these are offered this way only a few times per year 🤔
What questions do you have about your business, your Design and Notself keynotes?
These will be 1-on-1 single sessions.
Limited Availability - I can say yes to up to 6 people
In past beta rounds, I’ve opened 10 individual spots but this time with the group opening soon and my Locals community to continue tending (am doing weekend zooms through the end of the year in that platform - today is Q&A Sunday),
I’m thinking there’s only energy to do 6 of these (one-off)
“Notself Entrepreneur Sessions”
Whatcha think?
Is one of those spots yours?
If your Authority says yes, raise your hand below.
We can then hop on messenger so you can secure your spot and I can show you my “no schedule scheduling” video (if you haven’t seen it yet)
The other important question is -
Do you already have an extended chart?
If not, let’s get you one pronto, k?
Will need exact birth time. 🤗