The open G center.
Some years back I recognized and started pointing out how homogenizing to my Open G the “follow your purpose, find your passion” blah blah that’s so thick in the self help/new age whatever the trend is that brought that to us.
This (really long passage lol) says basically that.
Now here’s Ra -
“You go to a child that has entirely open G center and ask them what they want to be, they honestly don't know. They have no idea even what that really means.
If you see somebody with an open throat, an open G center and they had activations in the G center. The not-self strategy of that is “always looking for love and always looking for direction”.
Because you don't know where you're going, you don't know if anybody is really ever going to see you in that sense.
When it's entirely open, it’s “not knowing what your life is about”
That’s something very profound.
I mean, the G center is the place of the magnetic monopole, what holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. It gives us in essence the holistic life that we have.
And for these beings, the way in which they held over from the seven centred consciousness, this whole thing about, you have to be something, and you have to do something.
There's all this pressure that’s placed on young people to find what they're going to be.
You hear this all the time in the homogenized world. People meeting a five or six-year-old and saying: “what are you gonna be when you grow up?”
If you’ve got a totally open G center this is a frightening question. They simply do not know what to be.
They really don't know what they are in that sense, at the deepest sense of identity. You know they have no idea.
And of course, this can be a real dilemma. Because, again, what you get to see from the complete openness, is how easy it is, within the not-self context, easy it is for these beings to be manipulated and to be taken over by somebody else, by their culture, by their religion, by their politicians, whatever the case may be.
This child with the entirely open G center, that has no idea what to be.
This child is constantly going to be giving over authority in that area to someone else.
It’s gonna begin with its parents. The parents are gonna be there pointing them in certain directions and they are going to end up living a life that truly has has nothing to do with whatever is there; what their potential is.
Because after all everybody has a way, that’s the magic of the mechanics, everybody has a way to make decisions that are gonna guide them on this plane, everybody, everybody has this.
So it’s not a matter of, if you have an open center that you cannot find your way. The way can be found.
And it's not so much that you're going to know what to be is, that you’re going to discover what your being is.
This is the realisation that comes with correctness.
You get to navigate on this plane correctly and navigating on this plan correctly, you get to see it realized in the same way that we deal with our unconscious activations.
After all we have no conscious access to all that red stuff that is in our design.
And yet, as we experience life, as we experience our being we get to recognize these aspects in the way in which they operate.
We learn through a maturing process and correctness, it becomes even simpler, because once you understand the mechanics it’s so much easier to see these things as their operating.
But this open G center, this not knowing what to be, is.
I always have this concern about how we wanna raise our children.
Human Design came into the world for children, came into the world so that children could be prepared to live in the next cycle that comes in 2027.
They can live in a world where they can be fully dependent on their own authority, in order to be able to go beyond survival, to both survive and be aware.
It is so easy to take advantage of children who have unactivated centers and when I say take advantage, it doesn’t mean that it is conscious in that sense.
It’s not like the parents wanna do that. It’s just what happens.
But the reality is that this unactivated openness leads to manipulation, leads to somebody else taking that authority away from you.
And it’s very, very profound.
That is, to not know what to say and have somebody to put the words in your mouth [open throat], to tell you what you should be thinking [open Ajna?], to point you at what should be interesting [open head], to tell you what you should become [open G].
Out of that comes and incredible, an incredible pressure.
And if you’re aware of the knowledge, and you deal with children and you know their design, you know how to help them to find their truth because you asked them more (Generators], you invite them more [Projectors], whatever the case may be,
yYou give them that way in which they can find the source within them, that is going to give them the decision-making tools that they need, in order to be able to go beyond being so susceptible to giving up their authority.
Our children and the way in which our children are raised in this world, this is the first thing that happens to them that they are stripped of [their] Authority.
That everything in their lives has authority over them. They learn to see that this is normality that that other people are going to tell them what to do and what to be and all of those various things.
Particularly when you see children with an entirety open G center.
The question to them is not, what you're going to be. It is not about that.
There are so many other things that are there in their design that will lead them in that way, that will allow them to fulfil whatever their potential is."
-Ra Uru Hu