You may or may not be interested in this - and that's okay <3
I posted this to my FB Timeline yesterday - it's part of an experiment in building a marketing flow around a FB group that's meant to be a building familiarity space for people who want more clients.
TBH I'm very conflicted with using FB yet again, but groups there have always been my weakness :-p And this is just what's working for some friends and I'm not here to build systems all the way from scratch (like the concept level) ...
So while I don't technically want "clients" per se, I am a fan of High Ticket win/win offers so I'll be using the new group to give goodness up front before an offer stream that I'm thinking can include a second Locals for this biz conversation (will be something more than $5/mo!) and larger offer - possibly two or three ... I'm still tinkering with numbers, but something like $3500, $9k and $20k respectively.
This will be my first time delving into the realm of paid advertising that takes people into a FB group. Have really been up and down on my wave about it - mostly because "how many people do I really want to be interacting with" is always a big concern (for me).
Also - here I am continuing to try being less "on" FB ... creating a new FB group 🤪 ... purely for marketing though, which is the story I'm telling myself anyway. Hopefully it's true and I can leverage that platform in ways that get the job done ... and maybe (?) invites people over here? Or maybe that ends up being a step backwards in the offer flow - we shall see. In some ways I can see a Locals Community being a downsell or part of a larger offer.
All these things I'm saying will mean nothing to you if the topic isn't interesting, which is why I have a suspicion that a stand alone Locals for Planet Andrea Entrepreneurs (or some such) could be in order.
Now here's the post:
QUICK POLL (vote yes or no below)
If I released a private Doing Business as Yourself Facebook™ Group (100% free to join) and started personally sharing with you:
✅ #1.) Tips on Doing Business as Yourself (through the lens of your Human Design)
✅ #2.) Behind the scenes video lessons of what I'm learning about Personalizing Marketing Systems & how to consider what puzzle pieces can be a match for your unique Design.
✅ #3.) Ways to collaborate, share resources, and also learn from other active members of the group who are also interested in Doing Business and thriving as themselves.
Comment "Yes or no" below (you can also click "like" ).
I've been preparing to mentor & guide a much bigger audience this next year and have A LOT of knowledge and personal experience to share around Doing Business as Yourself & Authentic Selling Systems through the lens of your Design
If that interests you, let me know in the comments below!
I wanna’ gauge how many of you would like it.