Fractal Lines are very important
“Fractal lines are very important.
I've discussed them over and over again over the years, but always within the mystical context, because somebody who is on your fractal isn't somebody necessarily that is going to be your teacher or your student, your friend or your lover, your relatives.
It could be a stranger.
It could be something you overhear.
It could be all kinds of things, because what the fractal represents is a clear line of communication.
That's why I've always been so interested in fractals.
I was given knowledge that despite how hard I try to continually take it to the surface and make it simple for people who are meeting the knowledge, to grasp the simplicity of the knowledge on the surface.
That it was obvious to me that I was dealing with a universal science, I was dealing with something that was incredibly profound.
It was obvious to me that the only way that I was going to be able to do anything with it is to be able to find those that could understand what I could tell them, looking for the line of communication, looking for that fractal line, looking for that connection.
Now, it's not just in the bases, it’s in so many things.
It’s in the variable.
It’s in configurations within the BodyGraph.
There are all kinds of things that add up, in that sense.
But the underlying ability to be able to communicate with somebody else and get information across to them is in the base orientation.
So, for me right from the beginning fractals were very interesting, to begin to see what that line of communication is like.
And there are other things that are involved.
That is, what generation down the line of the fractal are you, and not just simply the orientation of it.
But the orientation means everything because it means that you can communicate.
You can communicate and from the Personality point of view, obviously, this all relates to what is the ideal for the nature of the passenger.
When we are looking at fractals within the context of this knowledge we’re talking about crystals of consciousness, that the crystals of consciousness are, in fact, the source of how we discover or how we first get to see, in that sense, the development of what a fractal line actually is.
Within the cosmology of Human Design there are the originating crystals and the thematic of the shattering of these crystals.
It is the shattering that is the real Big Bang in a sense, except the bang isn't because they bang into each other, it's because they separate, which is quite a different thing.
Nonetheless, it results in shattering. And it is this shattering of these so-called prime crystals; it is where we first come to grips with the fractal.
And the Nodes establish what life must be.
It's one of my standing jokes about no choice is that we’re on a train that's traveling about half a million miles an hour and it really is not possible to get off.
The Nodes are a guide, in a sense, an alignment of us in this vast movement. We are flying along in that process.
And what we integrate with, what we meet along the line, the fractal connections, the “this and that,” all of those things is all governed by—life is governed by the Nodes.
They’re really very special.
But it is the Strategy and Authority that immediately aligns this brain system with its position in the world and where its position should be and how it approaches that position.“
Ra Uru Hu