Self Projected Authority - Ra Transcript
I can share my Self Projected Authority video in the comments 👍🏼
(it’s my understanding of how to support their decisions making having now worked with several).
But first -
Asa Sagafloa Ravensdatter shared:
There is often so much confusion around the self-projected authority. I thought too that the hummingbird article came from Ra as I have seen it quoted as such.
So as a little act of kindness, I transcribed what Ra is saying about the SPP authority in the minority authorities series.
I am not a transcriber, and this isn't perfect, there will be small mistakes, but nothing of significance, I would say <3
I couldn't hear one word, I wrote parrel [peril] - but not sure what it means?
Ra on self-projected authority -
“Self-projected authority is a decision-making process originating out of the g-center itself. But it is the g center connected to the throat and because it is, it has a voice.
We are dealing with the projector phenomena, but this self-projected authority is not so rare (compared to ego-projected). 2,5 %.
No defined solar plexus, no defined sacral, no defined spleen, no defined root and no defined ego, just the g center defined to the throat and maybe above. There you have the spp authority.
The key to any authority connected to the throat is that whatever you need to hear whatever you need to know, you will discover in what you say – and what it is you say as a projector, according to the invitation.
The whole thing about being a projector, is about waiting for the invitation. It is the essence of the projected life.
And it is something to grasp about these spp authorities, is that they have a very very powerful identity that speaks, that speaks. This is the g center that speaks for your life.
And however it gets there, through the 10, the 7, the one or the 13, it is a very powerful voice of identity that is there to express itself in reaction to invitations.
Without the invitation, there is nothing to say.
Without the invitation, there is nothing to hear.
Without the invitation, there can be no decision.
Now again, when you are dealing with the self-projected projector, you are dealing with a projector that has no motors. No motors, none whatsoever. No root, no sacral, no emotional system, no solar plexus, no heart center. They are deeply non-energy beings.
And as such can be – in terms of not self – in terms of how it is to be homogenized – can be totally, totally lost in energy-conditioning.
Totally lost in energy conditioning.
It is so easy for these beings, not to be able to function correctly, to live the life of projector bitterness. To be deeply, deeply unhappy in this process.
Constantly being locked into the power of the conditioning of other people to control and distort their life.
And yet there is nothing more important and nothing more powerful for them than the very nature of their identity.
They are one of those few beings, who’s truth is always expressed through the core of their identity.
It means you have to listen to it. If you don’t listen to it, if you don’t hear it, there is no truth for you.
And if there is no truth for you, there is no success for you. None.
SPP authority, it means that, when you are invited, listen! Listen to what you say.
When somebody asks you something, listen to what you say, hear it.
Don’t try to figure out what you should say, could say or might say.
You are here to trust your spontaneous utterances.
What you say in the moment of invitation.
What you say in the moment that you are reacting to that other.
It is what you say spontaneously, it is what you say in the moment to invitation, that is your truth.
You ignore it at your parrel [peril], you do.
If you do not pay attention to it, you will not be able to fulfill the possibility of what it is to be you, to find the success you are here for in this life.
Those channels that go from the g center to the throat, those channels that make it possible to be a spp authority, those are very very powerful channels.
They all carry with them roles of identity. Those roles of identity are deep expressions of who you are, relative to the other and relative to circumstance.
You have to learn to trust, what you say.
You have to hear it, you have to respect it, you have to abide by it.
If you do so, your life will be transformed.
Strategy and authority - avoid the bitterness.
Trust your identity, trust its voice, but only, only in invitation.
Live the perfect life of the projector and you will see that you will be able to fulfill the potential inherent in you.
All of these minor authorities, like any authority in Human Design, it is a key in your life. Your strategy and your authority allows you to navigate this plane, to navigate correctly, to move towards the perfection of your being.
It does not matter if it is rare or not, if it is this or that What matters is the discipline and the courage to live the correctness of your process.
Now, I hope you enjoyed that, until next time.
One more note from another video -
“Identity isn’t something to be claimed, it is to be recognized <3”