To be awake is really mundane.
“To be awake is really mundane. It is really mundane – I want you to understand that.
It is what we are supposed to be.
It‘s not some high-exalted state that we have to suffer to get to – that is nonsense. We just haven’t had the education until now.
It is easy to be awake.
Live out your type, live it out for seven years – you will be as awake as Buddha will. And then you get to see your mythology.
That is not spiritual, and it is not a belief system, and is not a ‘hokey pokey’.
It is just the truth, that’s all. And you could find that out, as anything else in Human Design, by living out its logic.
Live out the experiment yourself.
The more you live out the experiment day by day, month by month, year by year, you will see that there is a real change that takes place in your nature.
It is not the change that you are making happen. It is the change of you becoming yourself, evolving into what you are meant to be in this life.
And then the benefits derive from that, the benefit of what you can be for others in your life, for children that are around you, your own or others’ – it does not make any difference.
The beauty that is there in having relationships with others in which you know each other – where there is no challenge to someone to be something other than what they are.
That is the real expression of love in this life – it is to accept and respect somebody for what they are.
In that way we all are allies and that way we get to live out the unity of all of this.”
~Ra Uru Hu