Undefined Ajna share from Mia-Bar 6/2 Emotional Manifestor
Thought this was well timed given our latest Notself Saturday conversation :)
“My experience with Undefined Ajna
The pressure to fix thoughts patterns.
For me every time I was not in my body, loyal to the depth of my emotional authority, I felt like I experienced headaches and pressure in the head, eyes, and the back of the neck. It came from the enormous pressure to have a consistent way of thinking, a way of expressing my thoughts that were fixed.
Before I met Human Design I was always trying to be like other people that have such clarity and consistency in their way of formulating thoughts and mental ideas. It sounds so solid and stable to me, but after being in the Human Design experience a while I noticed that this is only the sound of the Ajna.
It does not necessarily have physical truth. I slowly started to notice the difference when the defined Ajna is supported by the frequency of the body vs when it is playing its regular audio of data analysis.
Though I must admit it’s not easy to identify the difference.The Ajna Center is the main primary center that takes life and translates it into forms, objects, words, and concepts that we can understand and communicate with each other. For me, very often, it sounds very convincing. It sounds like the truth, like confidence. But actually, it can only be the fixed frequency that is expressed there, like any defined center.
What is under the cover?
I must admit that it was hard for me to stand in front of the defined Anja, and to bring my truth. Because in my case I don’t have firm mental arguments, fixed patterns to see and organize reality. I just don’t have them. What I do have is the way I feel and what my body resonates with or not. Many times I feel under this pressure, under the concepts, the ideas, the illusion of words that sound so clever and smart. But actually, they can be just a cover. It took me a while, a very long while, to be able to remove the content of the words that were actually well expressed, leaving only the frequency of the person, and from there, to listen.
Being inspired
On the other hand, when I and the other person were in our bodies, and in our authority, I could enjoy the expression of a unique way of thinking from the other and be inspired!
And through compromising in the Ajna through various gates, I could also experience the exposure of my own unique structuring of concepts. To be with an undefined Ajna means, for me, to enjoy many ways of seeing reality. Being exposed to all kinds of different boxes, that never passed in my way of thinking before.
The main insight that I have so far is to allow myself fluidity of thoughts, to flow with my perspectives on life in the mental realm, knowing that there is no certainty in the way I think. There is no consistency, I can simply change my observation and my mind quite easily. The only thing I can trust is the body and the frequency of it. In my case, emotions, and the way I feel without any explanation, in the moment and over time.
People with undefined Ajna, how do you experience it?
Do you feel more inspiration or more pressure where you are now in your process?”