This begins to wander in waters I’m not practiced at looking into. That’s okay :)
Now and very infrequently, then you may hear a whisper about “the magic square” … this is speaking to part of that.
“Square” refers to the way the planets are organized on a chart.
The ones I use from GM aren’t formatted for viewing the data in this way.
Ra said -
"I'm a Mars fan. I've become a Mars fan. It's such an amazing instrument. Everything about Mars is that the moment that you're looking at the Personality Mars, the moment you see it in the middle of the construct, you're looking at your key. You're looking at the key to what is the potential for your experiential process.
The outer authority in this particular being has to arise only out of their behavior. How interesting, because it's heretical behavior. And it is the heretical behavior that is really the key to the whole Personality, because it's Mars and it sits in the center. Whether the Mars itself dominates in its full values, because the Mars does not become the diagonal force until the awareness shifts, so that element is there. But, it is very important for anyone to look carefully at that Mars.
Their outer authority, this is all about behavior. And it's all about resonating to the right behavior, being able to, in essence, be an authority through understanding that behavior or whatever the construct is, knowing that it's all there. I look at mine and I'm always full of wonder. I have the 40 sitting there, the great gate of denial. How extraordinary that is for me that the outer authority for me is the very denial of outer authority, the denial of the roots of outer authority, the denial of the importance and value in that sense of mind as it is constructed, as it is lived out."