“So when we get to the 4/1 we’re getting to a very different kind of being.
Yesterday we looked at the 1/4, which is its harmony, but the 1/4 is deeply involved in the personal destiny process and it’s part of the right-angle process – and the 4/1 is not.
Think about the nature of Fixed Fate to begin with – just these two lines. The moment when you’re dealing with the 4th line we know that the 4th line is fixed.
It’s fixed in its way and it’s there to externalise and be influential.
Remember the influence inherent in all 4th lines.
At the unconscious level it is a 1st line, and this is the foundation.
The nature of the 4/1 is that the 4/1 is an oak tree.
And looking at the 4/1 as an oak tree – this is a solid, fixed being.
That oak tree – well, maybe one of the branches might bend a little, but it doesn’t bend on the whole.
You can chop it down, you can break it and burn it, but you can’t expect it to bend.
The 4/1 has only one purpose in this life: through its fixed fate to be able to influence others with its foundation.
That’s its job in life. That’s what they are here for. They are not here to bend.
They can be broken, and the way in which they can be broken is if they don’t have a proper foundation.
Think about what we’ve learned about the 4th line and the need for a benefactor during their period of dependency, and how important it will be for the 4/1 to be able to have a benefactor that provides it with opportunities for education.
All 1st lines are natural investigators. When I say education, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be formal in the way we understand it.
It is at the moment when there is a deep interest that the 4/1 is going to express about anything, that a benefactor that is there to be able to help them, get access to that, to get into that, is going to be very important for them in their lives.
They are going to spend their adult life trying to influence everyone.
And if you are looking for a friendly type, you’re never going to meet a friendlier type than a 4/1.
They have an enormous gift of being able to ingratiate themselves
But after all, they are very fixed. If you don’t like their trip, you’re not going to be able to successfully stay in a friendship with them, because they have their fixed way.
The 4/1 is not looking for everyone to agree with them – they don’t have to have everyone to agree with them.
But the moment they discover that somebody doesn’t agree with them, it’s better for both of them to shut up about the subject they don’t agree with, because otherwise the 4/1 is just going to disappear.
It’s not going to hang around and consistently meet with criticism about the nature of its foundation and how it is expressing it.
It’s very important for the 4/1 to be secure. When they are secure, they can really be a tremendous influence in their community, but they follow a very, very fixed way.
And where they’re going in this life and how they’re going to get there is truly written in a sense. This is a very fixed geometry.
The thing about them is, they’re going to have their own way, so they can appear to be quite different. They can appear to be quite unusual and they can appear to be extraordinarily stubborn.
One of their ways of dealing with that is being friendly.
The friendlier they are, the less likely it is that people are going to explode on them because of their fixed stubbornness – “No, the world is not flat, you idiot!”
And, of course, there they are, solid as a rock.
If they do go around the world and discover that they don’t fall off, they can die from the shock.
No joke!
In other words, the responsibility – you can see that 4th lines bring parental responsibility much more than any other profile.
And it’s essential to see the need in that dependency to be nurtured. And particularly with the 4/1, because they are going to live such a fixed life, and that their sense of well-being is always going to be determined by how deep the foundation is.
If you look carefully, if you look at the 6.1, it’s part of the whole business of intimacy, but more important, that out of the 6th gate all of the emotional waves are created. It’s the foundation of our emotional experience. The 1st line of the 6th gate in its detriment is all about the inferiority complex.
It’s one of the things to recognise about all 1st lines: the 1st line profiles are always carrying within them an inherent inferiority complex that’s waiting.
And this inferiority is, when they do not feel like they have a solid foundation. And the moment they don’t feel like they have a solid foundation, they immediately can get caught up in an inferiority complex about it.
Now imagine what happens to a 4/1 whose fixed fate is to externalise the foundation, their foundation.
It’s not a 4/6 that can externalise the foundation that they see in their aloofness. They can externalise somebody else’s foundation, they can externalise somebody else’s truth.
But when you’re dealing with the 4/1, they’ve got to externalise their own.
So they have to have the depth, and because they’re 4th lines it means that it’s going to have to be nurtured in them.
One of those things to understand is that there are four different kinds of 4/1s, like there are four different kinds of every other profile.
There is a 4/1 Manifestor, a 4/1 Generator, there is a 4/1 Projector and a 4/1 Reflector.
They are very different. But they are all 4/1s.
But how you’re going to bring that 1 to the nurturing, how you’re going to nurture them through the foundation that they need to be solid – that’s going to be according to their type.
The 4/1 Projector has to be invited to knowledge, has to be invited to a career, whatever the case may be.
And if you have a 4/1 Reflector you’re going to have to recognise that – unless you take all the pressure off of them to make any decision until they’ve gone through at least a 28-day-cycle of the Moon, and that during that time you talk to them about it – only then are you going to give them their opportunity to be able to enter into something correctly that will give them the solid foundation in their life that will allow them to be an influence later. It’s always going to be according to their type…
The moment that you see that the purpose is to be a 4/1 in this life, then it’s necessary to find the way as a parent – and again I’m speaking from that perspective – as a parent to be able to bring up your child in a healthy way to find what is necessary for them, to find the introspection that turns them on, to find the subject that they are ready to investigate.
Then they can reach that point of influence, so that you know when they go out of the nest – hopefully before they are 40 – that when they go out there into the world, that they not only can stand and stand the pressure that will be around them, but in that they will be a deep influence. They will have within them the ability to truly get information out and transmit that information to other people.
Now obviously what you have in this world is an endless number of 4/1s – I’ve trained I think four of them now – you have an endless number of 4/1s who never had the nurturing.
They could have been lucky after all. You know, some of us are lucky in terms of getting nurturing that’s suitable to our design.
I had an individual mother – I was very lucky.
She always used to say, “Leave him alone – he’s different!” I was lucky.
If I’d have had a collective mother she would have been freaked out every other moment. You know, that’s just the luck of the draw.
And what we have to do is to make sure that it’s not the luck of the draw anymore.
That everybody has the right at least to have those around them who have to care for them and nurture them, to understand them and themselves, in order to provide a healthy environment for growth, and then we have 4/1s that are very valuable to us.
Remember, in the genetic continuity of things they are a major link. They are a force that bring left angle and right angle together. They’re a merging point – I’ve watched them in group situations and they are wonderful.
You can see their ability to commune in that sense with anybody at any level in that spectrum. They just can, very naturally.
And yet at the same time you realise that nothing is going to change them and nothing is going to affect them.
In a conversation it doesn’t matter what the other person says. I mean they take it in, but it does not matter – they will not change their way. They have their way, they have their foundation, and they want to externalise that.”
~Ra Uru Hu