“Projectors have a social intelligence.
It is part of their make-up to look to the other and finally to understand the other.
This is the one true intelligent type.
Their potential is to be intelligent with energy and with other people.
Their main problem is based on the Not-Self of the fucked-up Manifestors and Generators.
You have to ride the horse, but there are only stupid horses around – they don’t know what to do, they don’t do what you tell them….
What an ordeal!
In some ways, the task of the Projector is about educating the other types.
So you try to educate them, and all you get is rejection.
Or you sell yourself to the wrong energy source, and then you’re trapped.
[wishing I could underline that last sentence - try reading it again, even saying it out loud ☺️]
Generators could be wonderful horses, but they usually are not.
Projectors are here to deal with what is already there.
The Generator runs after satisfaction and gets frustrated, the Projector runs after the energy and gets rejected and then bitter because he cannot use his talent.
Again, it is about waiting: Waiting for the invitation to be this guiding force.”