“When you enter into the beginning of your own self-recognition as being a Projector there's a number of things that you have to realize that you have to do to lessen the burden of what your process is going to be.
The first thing is to dismiss any idea that you're about to get instant gratification because if you're after because there is absolutely no instant gratification in this. It is really a process for a Projector. Remember, because you are no by the way, given that Projectors are open and with very vulnerable places, traditionally the Sacral, the fact that you're not inward pointed, in that sense, saves you from the heaviness of the conditioning that in fact that you do take in as a Projector.
The bottom line of what it is to begin to come to grips with yourself is to begin to see that only as you understand how it works to be human - this is the great gift of this knowledge, we get to see how human beings function, you get to see the rules by which they function, you get to see the whole process.
And all of those human beings in your life that mean so much to you at a mechanical level, and yet can be so bad for you at a personality level, that ultimately you begin to open up a way in which you can develop the most important thing that you need. It's called discernment.
One of the things that Generators have as an advantage is that because they are a life force and self-absorbed, a generative force, that they can immediately get into their process of experimenting with being themselves. As a Projector you cannot do that. You can't, you can't because you are in fact a being that has been deeply, deeply, deeply conditioned. And you have to come to grips with that.”