Today Chaitanya shared a quote from Richard Rudd, early student and then esteemed teacher of Human Design.
Richard then went on to form/deliver/channel/whatever - his own system called Gene Keys, maybe you’ve heard of it.
Funny thing is, I find the system itself more confusing and heady, and maybe less practical is the word I’m meaning.
For my Design, practical application matters - a lot 😊
But then I come across quotes like this from him and it’s just so plainly stated. Which is always practical.
Kind of like the copywriting and storytelling we’ve started practicing through the Copy Playbook posts eh?
Writing in a way that people can hear, through stories and parables - can be magic.
Chaitanya adds his own magic - which imho is the visual piece.
I tend to add what I would call ‘backstory to the story’ ... setting context and foundation
Ooh writing that last sentence just gave me a thought about “writing in line with our Human Design” [profiles]
I haven’t mentioned it lately, though I know you may be one of the ones who’ve been waiting patiently for it - thank you, I appreciate you - it’s because you’re waiting that it can come to fruition), part two in my original Human Design & Business trilogy;
“Showing Up (for your audience) by Design” - is imminent.
I think that’s another clue or Universe prod or something towards it.
Maybe I set a time to do the actual 2-ish hour workshop soon :)
We shall see 🤔
Meanwhile, last night I was having an unexpected conversation with a newish Planet Andrea peep, who’s been struggling (like we all can tend to do) with the words around who she is and what she does.
I think this is part of awakening too tbh.
And copy .... words and how we use them can help.
Finding the words that can communicate to others, without overtly or even intentionally telling them what to do ...
And yet stirring something inside of them that guides them towards something - and btw way also can draw the right people in closer to us - it’s a fascinating thing to watch.
In my case, and also this is true for many people who recognize me, this “something” is about being more and more ourselves - and helping others to do the same.
Ideally finding and often supporting our own lifestyle grooves in the process.
Okay I’ve gone all kinds of off track here in good, but unfinished ways.
The neighbor roosters are crowing (the goofballs start at 3am sometimes, you’d think that’d be annoying. I don’t even hear them anymore)
The day is only just now starting to peek through the blinds.
I’m still wiping sleep out of my eyes.
When I write like this first thing in the morning - this be what you get :)
Back to my call last night - we talked at my favorite crossroads for a bit -
Human Design and Affiliate Marketing
Such funny and seemingly unlikely bedfellows eh?
But when someone else gets it ... and I mean really gets it ... it’s like the heavens open up.
Lightbulbs pop.
Pop pop pop 🤩
She’s right on the edge of turning her own corner and frankly that’s so much fun for me to be some small part of.
(or even large - zero attachment either way tbh, but I ain’t rejecting any of the possibilities either, see?)
Living vicariously through the success of others is one of the things that makes what I do interesting to me.
Figuring out what’s win/win is so key to that.
Maybe that’s another reason affiliate marketing has been a key (income) player for me too.
When done in a fiduciary-flavored way, win/win/win is possible.
One of the things I said to her out loud on our call was how disappointing it had been, back when I first bumped into Human Design, to find there were ZERO affiliate offers I could do as I’ve always done with (details maybe for another post)
And instead, I had to turn my attention to Human Design offer creation.
Though it’s turned out okay (people are definitely being served so, that’s good) and maybe offers me more autonomy in the end, certainly more income streams, right?
But omg what a way more difficult and struggle-filled road than it needed to be.
Starting as an affiliate to the things we’re learning, wanting to lean into, are a natural at, or in my case, investigating (1st line profile) ... SO much easier.
I hear Richard Rudd has a decent affiliate program.
Maybe we go there at some point - I’d have to investigate first 😄
Anyway - back to the quote and the simple but not easy adventure we find ourselves on together in this particular time and space ❤️
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Copy playbook Lesson 3.1 should be posting in the next day or two.
Remember to go at your own pace and that nothing (especially if you have a right mind) has to be linear.
This is where personal awareness can extra help.
There’s no such thing as falling behind or catching up.
You are wherever you are right now.
Perfect 👌🏼
Just take the next small step :)
Now for some good words from Richard about awakening.
“This issue of enlightenment is deeply ingrained within the Human Design Revelation. The actual terminology is important here since Design notes a difference between enlightenment and awakening. Awakening is referred to as being in absolute alignment with our original nature. It is as simple as being oneself.
Enlightenment is a rather more slanted terminology, since its etymology hints towards the word 'light'. In other words, enlightenment, as a word, can be deeply divisive and misleading. To dwell within the light is to dwell in an extreme, and many enlightenment teachings over the centuries have sought to escape the darker side of human nature.
Awakening is a broader term - you can be awake and in the light or asleep and in the light and you can be asleep in the dark or awake in the dark.”