I grabbed this from @Bodyvoice Vanessa Wesley's FB group 'The ART of Being YOU' because I have some thoughts and observations about this particular mechanic over here at chez Goodsaid and I figured I oughta practice typing this out here and sharing the link back where the original post is ... such a hard habit to shift. But necessary. 😌
Vanessa shared:
I have the 8-1 Channel. Do you? The 8-1 empowers.
"The Only Creative Voice of the Individual [circuit]
Now the 8-1, because it is a self projected creativity, remember that you have something unusual because here you have the only creative voice in the Individual Circuit. Now it's interesting to note that. This is the only creative voice of the individual and the only creative voice of the individual says, "I know I can make a contribution or not."
(The other three circuits each have 2 channels of creativity)
In order for the individual to be truly creative, they have to empower the other. Their natural contribution is the empowerment of the other. The 8-1 is rooted in the most creative, the only hexagram called creative, in that sense, which is the first hexagram.
When you look at the fact that individual creativity is all rooted in the identity, that's the first thing. The second thing to see is the 10th gate in the 10-57 is about love, and the 25th gate is about love.
And the two loves, at that level, are universal and self-love, and the 1st gate is the primary gate of direction.
That is, a primary gate of what we call mutation or evolution.
Remember that the direction we move in mutatively is conditioned by the 25th gate, that is the opposite of the 1st gate in the zodiac, and it's the opposite of the 1st gate in the design.
And the 2nd gate is the actual direction, the driver.
But the 7, the 1, and the 13 are just perspectives.
That is, the 7's perspective is where the drive will lead to in the future, and the 13's perspective is where have we come from in the past.
But the 1st is just there driving.
And it's driving in that direction following the 2nd gate's lead. It's there to bring the existential mutation the existential contribution.
The 8-1 channel has a voice [throat connected] - and that means that the primary creative function of the 8-1 is acoustic and verbal.
You see, the individual cannot really have mutative impact unless it can explain itself.
This is the whole nature of the impact in individual circuitry; the individual has four different gates in the Throat, after all. So expression for the individual is very, very important-very important.
So the ability to be able to explain oneself is everything.
After all, the 8th gate is a gate of holding together. It is a gate of assimilation.
By being able to explain oneself one makes the contribution. Do you see the inherent selfishness in that?
Because it's important to grasp that:
> Individuals are not communal.
> They're not there to share.
> They're not there to support.
> They're there to empower and empower only.
Now here's where I get to have bits of awareness about this channel. It's not my definition. It's John's - the husband - which means ... I've lived with it for nearly 3 decades.
In addition to this individual definition, his other channel is 3/60 (also Individual Circuitry) and he has 12 total Individual Circuit gate activations. I can remind us all here that there are only 26 possible gate activations for any of us ... that's A LOT of Individual energy.
Energy which is -
> Individuals are not communal.
> They're not there to share.
> They're not there to support.
> They're there to empower and empower only.
Imagine having that as a partner. For more than 1/2 of my life now. Geez! 😜
I can include our Connection chart which tells THAT particular tale LOL 🙃.
Seriously though, what HD has done for my being able to accept and release bitterness around in this direction ... HUGE. Once you can see the mechanics at play ... there's literally no choice but to accept the other as is.
And your own Authority to guide from that point on. Luckily, I can see how we Projector/Generator danced correctly from the start ... relationship entered into correctly. Totally by chance as we hooked up 22 years before I bumped into HD in July 2015.
Side detail for this - 8-1 piece ... two of the kids also have Gate 1 (so compromised by John's full channel) and Austin, the boyfriend of @leed who also lived here for 6ish years ... he has 8-1 definition as well (he has a total of 14! Gate activations in this Individual circuit ... I just had a peek 😳)
Gosh I'm going to have to add more to the comments as examples of seeing this thing in action over here.
For now, time to get this posted (window's been open for hours lol)
More about Vanessa's group -
The ART of Being YOU
"The ART of Being YOU is about discovering and uncovering your Creativity through the lens of Human Design.
We are all Creative. Yet we are not all creative in the same way. This is a place to uncover your unique creativity, that unique creative expression in your life.
Through Human Design, the science of differentiation, you come to know how you are uniquely designed to navigate your life.
Using your set of strategies and particular guidance system, you are here to live a life being yourself.
Your life is your art. Live it being you!"