The question came -
“Anyone know where I could find links to anxiety, depression, adhd, and/or bi polar disorder within our human design charts? I’m currently studying the spleenic gates for anxiety. I know that trauma and conditioning play a part. Thank you 😊”
Talis had something to say (2nd image)
Sparkly Flippers wrote -
From another group
Really interesting!!!
Dear members, for a couple of years I am investigating the characteristics of kids / people that are diagnosed with attention disorders, like ADHD and ADD, and some other 'disorders' within the autistic spectrum. I have always felt and experienced that a lot of (ordinary) people also can have these characteristics, but some are better able to adjust to society than others.
Not all of us experience problems, and we / school/society focusses on the children with the problems, the ones that have a hard time fitting in the system. What I discovered yesterday is that the gates 52 / 58 (especially in the nodes) are indicators, especially when in combination with emotional authority, and the 9/52 (the whole channel or one of the gates). And of course many other aspects, like being a quad right, or having a right brain/mind, having strong individual / integration circuit definition, could be aspects of the child with the 'disorder'. It is always a combination, and that is where our intuition could be so helpful. I am grateful to have discovered HD as a tool for awareness, as it shows the mechanics, but we only can see and translate the whole picture when we are able to use our intuition and feeling as the heartbeat that makes the mechanics come alive.....
Yesterday when I analysed a friends design, who is known as very hyperactive, or ADHD, I came across a part of a Ra lecture about the 52/58 nodal environment. This friend has both his personality and his design in the 52/58 nodes. So I was looking for some keynotes and I found this:
"When we’re dealing with the 52/58 as a Nodal environment, we’re dealing with a high pressure environment. We are dealing with two gates that are operating out of the Root Center, and the Root Center is a pressure center. So, the 52/58 as a Nodal configuration represents an environment where there is a great deal of pressure. And that pressure operates at all levels. So there is tremendous pressure in the sense of the 52. There is all this pressure to be active when in fact there is only going to be benefits derived when there is assessment through inaction.(..)So, this is an environment that is under deep, deep pressure, and an environment that is seeking out something very basic. In other words, it’s seeking an advantage in life. Of course, that advantage in life is two-fold. One part of that advantage is very important. That is, it is the advantage of something as difficult to put a definition on as joy. In other words, life must be more than simply toil. There has to be something in life that is rewarding and fulfilling. So it is an environment that is looking for something greater than what it seems to be, or appears to be in the environment."-Ra
Still this friend has all characteristics of ADHD and I checked other bodygraphs and to my surprise, I found more hyperactive kids with 52/58 nodes. Not my intention to jump into conclusions but I would like to know what other analysts have to add regarding this specific aspect in a design