Tera Clare wrote -
“On Transits
Mental Projector, RAX of Explanation here. I just wrote a really long basic explanation of “transits” for a new Reflector on another page. I thought I would share it here in case it helps other people start to understand transits. I know it took me about a year to even start to understand. I’m 3-1/2 years into my experiment now.
Each gate on your chart represents where a planet was at the moment of your birth or 88 days before. A maximum of 26 gates.
The Jovian archive website “Just Now”
Chart shows where the all planets and aspects are at this moment. This is where you can see all the gates that are activated at this moment. The moon changes gates the fastest, about every 6 hours. Mercury and venus change every 3-4 days? The sun/earth change approximately every 6 days. The nodes change every 3-4 months, etc.
So to understand how the transits affect you, you’re basically making an overlay of the current planetary locations on top of your own chart. Where there is a gate in the current transit (for instance, moon in gate 1 “Self Expression” on the G) that matches up with a gate you have (say you have gate 8 “Contribution” on the throat. Then those two gates which are opposite each other form a channel. Having a channel defined is what defines the centers on either end of the channel. So while moon is in gate 1, you will experience the world as if you have the throat and g-center defined through the channel 1-8, the channel
Of “Inspiration”. You may experience more creativity and/or inspiration.
The moon passes through every gate in 28.5 days, so for 6 hours of every month, each of your gates will be part of a channel. Paying attention to how you feel through each of these experiences will give you information on yourself and how you feel about things. for a reflector, this is how big decisions are made. What do you feel at the end of experiencing this decision-making over the course of a moon cycle?
For the rest of us, the transits are a fascinating thing. We can use the energy of different transits to get more accomplished (useful for projectors at times), or experience the world in different ways. It’s very important for us though to remember that the transits do NOT change our authority. I may feel like a generator when gate 20 in transit connects to my gate 34 on my sacral, but that does not mean I can make decisions from the sacral. I have to stay with my soundboardjng process and wait for invitations. As we continue in our experiment, I hear that those in the experiment for many years just feel the transits as background noise, and not as something that affects them strongly.
Also with the transits, sometimes the gates that are transiting hook up with each other and make channels and define centers that we all experience for an extended time; for instance the nodes have been in gates 23 and 43 for several months. These two gates connect to create the channel
Of structuring, and define the ajna and throat. Since this past March, the whole world has been experiencing this: everyone’s throat is “defined in transit” right now and lots of people are saying and acting like “they know”, because that’s the voice of the 43-23. This Saturday, the nodes will switch and much of that “I know” will go away (it’s not that people really know, but that they “think” they know. Ra would take students to a coffee shop to observe the lull that would happen when the nodes switched from 43 and 23 to 1 and 2. Apparently there is a big pause, as suddenly many people no longer have energetic access to their throat.
In my visuals, this first chart is an ego projector with two centers defined. The second is the current transits. The third shows what happens when they are laid on top of each other. More centers are defined. Gates from the person’s chart connect with gates from the transits to activate channels and thus activate centers. This person, instead of experiencing their life with only their G and Ego, is feeling through the transits 7 centers defined, for the next 6 hours, at least.
I first started understanding the transits when I was standing in the kitchen, with my whole body feeing really weird. Totally unlike myself. I looked up the transits and saw I had all 9 centers defined in transit, rather than my usual 2.
I find the Human Design App is great for looking at current transits and every hour though the coming week.
I included my chart at the end. I didn’t want to use it as the example because
right now my chart looks almost exactly like the current transits.
If others would like to add more about their experiences, thoughts or explanations about the transits, please do”