Sunday Q&A - I’m up! good morning ☀️
Alrighty I’m almost done being horizontal :)
Can be ready to Q&A on zoom in a couple of hours. Yeah 2 or 3 😊
It’s 9:18 am here in Florida as I’m posting this.
Will post and tick box to email a separate (supporters only) post at least 30 minutes before go time. Cool?
If you’re not already a supporter and would like to become one - you can use this link in a browser:
There’s also an irresistible annual supporter offer in a video (due to be updated soon I think) pinned at the top. ☝🏼
See you in a few hours! 🤗
PS. Listen to the Genoa Blivens audio on Strategy that I posted a bit ago before we meet if you can.
Could be a super jumping off point.
And as always - bring any questions 🙌🏼 … no promise there will be answers, but maybe resources at the very least, eh?
Love me some perfectly plucked resources 🥰