Been watching my energy this week - sorta (plus whatcha wanna talk about most?)
Morning y'all :)
So I've been semi-successful at witnessing my energy spend this week.
I can feel myself flagging a little bit today (yesterday and maybe the day before too) ... so I'm going to attempt (!) to take it easy today and tomorrow so I'm fresh and ready for Sunday's Q&A.
Now whether that's something you end up attending, doesn't matter here (lol I don't mean it isn't nice to see you) ... I'm just taking care of my piece of the puzzle and - if it happened that no one showed up that would be fine too, see?
Zero pressure is the point - take care of you, follow your authority, apologies that this is not a thing I can directly invite each of us to but such is the nature of beyond the 1-on-1 for every projector.
When I'm the one opening the space, it'll always be "open house" come when you can style.
I'm also thinking about having people come in for guest conversations (let me know if you want to be featured that way - it's a possibility!) and would love to know who you'd like to hear from?
Anyone leap out at you?
Maybe I can finagle it :)