I started this post over on FB (such a habit there yet to break - Zuck has me by the attention strings!)
Was going really well too, was very happy with the things I'd noticed as I was typing ... literally no reason why I should have to begin typing there - it's just the habit that's there ... and am changing bit by bit.
Maybe I need to just rip off the bandaid ...
'Cause there I was feeling pretty good about what I'd written .. went to take one last photo ... and it got sucked into the ether. 😫
I mean if he was smart (lol and asked this Projector for guidance) ... there's be an auto save feature built in that made drafts along the way.
Just as well that there isn't. Or I'd never escape. 😆
Anyway, maybe it'll come back ... was something to do with patterns I was seeing in how I'm going about these and the idea that conditioning exists regardless, it's just the flavor and whether it creates resistance in us or not that's possible and maybe worth seeing/noticing.
Perhaps it's a thing for Sunday Q&A
Looking at the last image here of the stone I'm working on now and the last one I did, I remembered that I used to collect rainbows <3
How that fits in to the stories about colors (and variety) that I seem to be currently wrestling with ... and a continued connection I see to my PHS ... and maybe mastery that I'm not embracing ... yet to be shared.
Maybe a video hmm 🤔
Welcome to my Open Head 😂
These are both 3.8” in diameter.