“Everything about this knowledge is about differentiation. Everything about the program is homogenization.
This is the great dualistic counterpoint, to differentiate or to be homogenized.
To differentiate is an enormous journey, it is a great challenge, but it means freedom from the blind obedience to a program that frankly does not care. It is just a mechanism.
At this level it gets really spooky, because you see what you're dealing with, these people that think that the world can be saved and humanity can be saved and all that stuff; well, they‘ve never seen the program.
They‘ve never seen its complexity, its depth; its incredible power over humanity.
What makes my work so exciting, I guess, is that in seeing it you can be freed from it. And you do not have to be a victim of it.
You can help other human beings deal with it. But it doesn't mean that we‘re ever going to be able to change the vast majority of humanity.
It's simply not possible.
They‘re too deeply controlled.”