Been thinking a bit about how people respond to the dot art stuff I’ve been doing for a few months now.
And how uninteresting all the accolades are 😂
I hold my 16.5 up high on the “culprit” ladder for this. “The Grinch” … keyword chosen for the Notself to be able to see … makes me laugh every time I read it.
It’s in detriment, and P Venus (values)
Literally- mechanically speaking- don’t see the value in enthusiasm.
BUT it’s simultaneously incorrect for it not to be there. The accolades I mean.
Maybe sort of like Projectors wanting the invitation to the party and having the choice to stay home 😋
It’s nice to be invited/ have what you’re spending your efforts and time on appreciated by other people. Who you are BEing. It just is.
I’m also noticing this other possibility in the mix.
People keep saying (or I keep hearing it lately anyway) - mostly to HD beginners -
“definition is what you’re here to be recognized for” 👀
And just the other day I heard “Definition is who you are” 👀
(Both are typically referring specifically to channels defined.)
Well … sort of. 🤔
That’s for a Sunday call maybe - if one of us remembers to bring it up.
I don’t all the way agree with the way that idea is being bandied about.
But let’s say that’s the whole story, and maybe this is the point - I’m seeing beyond where most people can or need to (practically)
You’ll be able to see what I mean too - because you’re here and will have arrived correctly.
But again … maybe just me overcomplicating with details - you get to decide what’s for you and what isn’t. This feels foundational though- to me.
So here’s my example.
Gate 16 (which in my case is this Grinchy thing)
Is also part of one of my 3 defined channels (16/48)
And it’s black/conscious so, I know it well - have always known it - when it was described to me I was like .. yeah yeah okay I know this … what else ‘ya got.
It’s called the Channel of Talent.
And here it is, doing what it does - this time via dot art. And people are enjoying/recognizing it. Lots of people.
Grinch gate aside for the moment.
What I’m seeing is - that our channels - being our most consistent and reliable differentiation …
The thing that we bring to the table - every single time - is like someone taking notice of the nose on our face or the color of our eyes or the size of our feet.
It’s the stuff we take for granted, and often are unsatisfied or bored with.
Because it’s always there. It’s always been there. We don’t have the first clue of the value of it to other people.
It’s easy to not value ourselves - because we have it.
And this is where the ‘genetic imperative’ that Ra talks about comes into play.
The Notself driven by our Mind - through our openness… seeking to be all the things that we aren’t already.
As if that wasn’t enough.
But here’s the thing - with awareness, it’s the openness and understanding what you aren’t that’s so fascinating and allows - even a Grinch - to settle in and not poo poo what others are seeing most readily - the definition.
No matter how boring I might find that 😂
Meanwhile, what I also see is how much value there is in “knowing” but not having to BE everything that’s white.
That’s where the awareness juice is - for me anyway.
That’s the more important stuff - once deconditioned I suppose, and I’m not saying I’ve reached some destination or anything - but that’s where the real nuggets are that can be mind blowing (genuinely transformational) for others.
[sidebar note “mind blowing” is maybe not the sort of transformation you’re here to be part of - just noticed that… this is me watching people interacting with my design]
Simple (simple to us) stuff that their definition or conditioning wasn’t letting them have/see.
We can deliver that via our openness.
I think there’s possibly some clues here in the particular Mandala quarter our PSun gate falls in.
But that just got tacked on here as I was writing so I think it can be for future conversation.