Maurizio Meconi shared (this is a translation from Italian - no idea whose words but he’s a Ra-original guy)
“being emotional isn't easy at all, it's really not.
That there is no clarity at the present moment is a huge inconvenience. You are 100% clear in one moment, and then that frequency changes over time.
It's a matter of frequency. Emotions are deeply rooted in frequency, it’s life, it’s pleasure, it’s pain, and emotional being is designed to taste life.
Tasting cannot be done in the moment, but it is about the experience, which must be experienced, you have to immerse yourself in it completely with all your changing frequencies, otherwise you may end up in pain that does not belong to you.
Savoring movement through changing waves, moods, pulses, which are not a high and low, they are a spiral that contours in a thousand always different ways.
An emotional being lives life in color because Solar Plexus awareness is a constantly moving sea, not only on the surface, but in all deep currents that go in all directions.
This is why an emotional person is told not to make decisions impulsively.
But waiting for the clarity that comes in time before making a decision is certainly not a limitation, it is not an imposition, it is not a redrawing of oneself, rather a deep respect for all their frequencies so that they have all the to be able to show the shades of possible feelings.
Because you are your emotions, and the change of emotions is all that you are, that is valuable to you, that makes you feel alive in every moment.
You are here to be HERE, not to be happy all the time or sad all the time, if here to be alive in Maia.
In the interaction with others, in the illusion of being separate and in the illusion of becoming one.
You are unique, and your uniqueness is indescribable, you can live and taste it in every moment, in every breath, if you surrender to who you are and stop living as what you are not.”