Coming to my 7year experiment anniversary in about a week.
I’ve slowed down way more than I ever imagined possible. 😊
"To be an Emotional Projector is a great challenge. It is a great challenge, because it is not simply a matter that the invitation is necessary, but no invitation is worthy in the moment.
The emotional being, because they are so deeply connected to the experiential way has to savor life. That’s why they were endowed with the pleasure principle. And if they don't savor life, they end up with a great deal of pain. And this savoring is not the rushing from this to that for the emotional gratification that is never fulfilling. But it's the pacing of oneself. It's the savoring of the movement in the wave.
It goes back to understanding what it is in the context of the emotional. The recognition that you have a different frequency, and that frequency is not rooted in the now at all, and it can't be. And of course, the moment that you live in that changed frequency, that's the moment that EVERYTHING changes for you."
-Ra Uru Hu