”It's time to have some fun and enjoy the ride and watch the movie.
It's time to find out what it's like to be you, because this is one of the great mysteries on the planet, isn't it?
All of these human beings that have never had an opportunity to live out the possibility of what they are, to make decisions as themselves; don't know who these people are.
You don't know yourself; wait-and-see. I didn't know I was Ra Uru Hu, after all.
Life is full of surprises when you discover your nature. And you can only do that when you let go of your mind running your life.
We take ourselves so seriously, human beings. The not-self is a very serious creature, it really is.
Everything upsets it. Everything is important. Everything is “this and that.” It doesn’t know what’s going on.
That’s not what we’re here for. It’s not what the nine-centered being is all about. It really isn’t.
The nine-centered being is here for consciousness.
We’re not here for the survival game.
We're not here for the fear game.
We’re not here for all of that.
We’re not here to organize ourselves.
We're not here to dominate the planet.
Each and every one of us is here for the possibility of us, nothing else.
The serendipity of your existence is the treasure. They come and they go. It's all about what you do while you're here.
In this incarnation, in this life, the only measurement is awareness.
There is no other measurement.
There isn’t.
It’s not about what you have or where you go, it’s about awareness.
It’s only in awareness that you get to see what this is for, how beautiful it is.
How amazing. And all of that is rooted in you.”