Emiro shared - From a Mary Ann email:
"Below are excerpts from a class Ra gave in 2010. (that was 12 years ago!) "
Closing the Door
“I normally don't deal with my own mysticism or my own mystical background.
My name, Uru Hu, was the title I was given in my experience. Uru roughly translates as civilization or civilization maker. It’s really hard to come up with a true equivalent, but it is basically a kind of building construct. And Hu is a closer. Uru Hu is a civilization closer. That is my title, which is kind of cute, I guess, it all depends on how you look at that.
For the seven-centered being, it’s the end of the story. It really is a time in which the door is closing.
It is appropriate that at this point in this closing segment of the cycle that truth is not a luxury. We have been in this 1st line era with its very powerful 61.1 background theme since 1961.
Truth is not a luxury - it is a right, and nothing less than truth can be accepted in this time - no half-truths. The 61.1 background witness-secret theme is something that will disappear in 2027 very quickly. Just like that. A new background frequency replaces it.
I've been trying over the years to provide a non-hysterical glimpse into what the closing of the door leads to because no door stays closed. One door closes - another opens.
And certainly we’re going to open into a very different age. An age that in essence, the vast majority of humanity is simply not prepared for. They’re not prepared for it because they have been inculcated in the whole background frequency of the Cross of Planning since the beginning of the 17th century.
Hundreds and hundreds of years of this kind of approach to existence, this civilization building process that goes deep into our history, deep, deep into our history as the driving force of the seven-centered being.
It isn't what our purpose is about.
I think one of the dilemmas of the nine-centered being is that the nine-centered being is so deeply attached to the seven-centered world. The homogenized world reflects the seven-centered mores, philosophies, religions. When you think about Human Design, Human Design is what they were all looking for—Solomon looking for his key, Buddha trying to figure out and conquer the wheel, the program. It’s always been there.
For the seven-centered being, it was not something that they were going to get because their judgment, their end was going to come. I think more than anything else the age that we’re living in, the time that we’re living in, is one of these momentous moments where only in hindsight later could you see that there was a line in the sand that had been drawn - that had been crossed.
How important the understanding of these larger mechanical forces is and that we cannot in any way fight against. You can't, the door is closing. And that humanity at this point is going to be devastated in that because they’re living a seven-centered life. They do not have the fertility and energy for a nine-centered process.
Why do you think the whole world isn’t jumping on their Strategy and Authority? It’s because they can't see it or hear it.
And it's not because it's not out there. It's because it's not what they're seeing and hearing. Not-self purpose, the larger forces that are at work, all of this is unavoidable – it’s the closing of the door.
Something else is coming, which means that something’s leaving. And yet, there I was at the same time carrying inside of me all of these fundamental formulas that make it so easy, in a sense, to be able to deal with the nature of being, to deal with the world around us, to deal with the circumstances of life. You have to have a very dark sense of humor to get a laugh out of that. No matter how popular Human Design becomes, and it’s very popular, at a mass level it’s not going to be able to do anything. It just isn’t.
The door is closing and it's closing fast. Things are just drifting away from us, the infrastructure of our lives, the way our lives have been connected, our communities have been built, the way our civilization has been structured - all of those things are slowly going to begin to unravel.
So, we’re dealing with a time that carries with it great consequences. And it carries great consequences in a way that is new.
For the seven-centered being, the epitome for the seven-centered being was a Moses. “I’m going to save my people. I’m going to take the power and the forces and I’m going to spread the sea and I’m going to save you and I’m going to smite your enemies.” And you can see the way in which the seven-centered being was saved. It’s why seven-centered religions are the same mechanisms, this collective saving.
But there is no future in collective saving. That future is long past. It's gone. It’s over.
The difference is that as a nine-centered being saving is self-saving. You save yourself. And you save yourself not by your wits and your brawn, which is a seven-centered movie. But you save yourself through being aware and through wisdom. This is a very different thing.
To understand our time, to understand the background frequency, to understand the age that we live in - is to understand that this is no longer the way. Collective control mechanisms at this point in our development leads to nothing but deprivation and violence. Human beings unaware are stuck in a past methodology that is all around them - that they cannot separate themselves from.
Everything about being a nine-centered being is that it's you. You are the savior. You are the Messiah. You are the messenger. You are it. Nobody else can be it. Nobody else can take you there. Why do you think the rest of the planet isn’t coming this way?
From the moment they came into the world they’ve been conditioned. They’ve been conditioned biologically, physically, psychologically, you name it, conditioned. They’ve been wrapped up and delivered to the program.
Nobody knows what to do with this time of ours. And when I say nobody knows what to do with this time of ours is that there is so much truth that nobody sees anything. It’s just overwhelming.
The medium for the future is not the collective.
The gift for the future is not the collective. It is one being at a time; the whole message of Human Design, one being at a time.
We are not going to be saved. There is nobody who is going to lead the sheep to glory. It is one person at a time.
There is no end to hierarchies. It is the ultimate truth; no end to hierarchies. There are always going to be those that have a fractal for transformation. And there are always going to be those who never do.
The vast majority of human beings on this planet are in their first and only incarnation. It is the way it goes. The most important thing to grasp when this touches you is how deep the privilege is to be self-aware, to be self-aware in the sense that one can grasp the essential mechanics of existence - of being -in order to be able to live a full process as oneself.
The 40/37 background frequency over 400 years; it’s so deep in us, the expectation that this is what the world is about.
That we’re here to save the world, that we're here to be the global village, that we’re all together, that everything in the brilliance of humanity - everything in its detail and its skills are going to be of service to the tribe.
That we’re going to save humanity from disease, that we’re going to create more food, that we’re going to create a better life, that we’re going to build a better world, that we’re going to do it together, that we’re going to be partners in this life, that we’re all going to work together so that we can establish vast communities of beings that can thrive and live together, millions upon millions of us.
The naïve being unaware imagines that this is human nature. It’s a background frequency.
Oh yes, it’s an aspect of human nature. Every channel obviously is. But it's not human nature per se for everyone. But this is the conditioning. It is the conditioning.
The bargain, the deal, the paycheck at the end of the week or the month or whatever, the buses running on time, the heat being available, it goes on and on and on and on.
These giant cities that wake up in the morning and miraculously food has been delivered so that millions of them can eat. All of these incredible deals, the foods that are delivered from vast distances in all these deals.
And it's all supported by the fact that the background frequency instills an expectation and a trust that this is the way that it is and the way that it will always be and we can only get better at it.
When this Cross of Planning goes away with its dedication of the bargain for the benefit of the community and its growth, how easy do you think it's going to be then?
Think about the world we live in - which even nations that are relatively speaking enemies still do business with each other, still have commercial relationships with each other.
The world is technically a communal business, and it's all based on trust, on the bargain, that if you signed a contract you’re going to paid and so forth and so on and all that stuff. That’s all going away because that’s not us – it was the background frequency.
The program rules. It just does.
Wisdom is knowing how to navigate. And then you can see what gets delivered, because that's basically the way that it works. You operate correctly and you watch the movie and you get to see how perfect it is the way in which it unfolds for you."
-Thank you Katiuska Parra for sharing it with me...-