"The moment that you have the map, the moment you have the mechanical way in which you can operate in this life you don't have to be the martyr.
Well, you don't have to be the martyr, not the martyr in the sense we understand it as it's played out in this plane as some wretched suffering because that's what it is.
That's not what it's about.
It's not intended to be like that.
It isn't.
This is very much not-self terminology. It means the resilience to stand by your own truth, “yes indeed that's true,” but the resilience to stand by your own truth doesn't mean you're a martyr.
It doesn't mean you have to be a martyr at all. The resiliency to stand with your own truth is your power to survive in the world. It's what we're all about.
This stops being martyr, somebody who's ready to suffer because all 3s are ready to suffer, they come out of the womb, they're homogenized and they're immediately ready to suffer. And whether the suffering is psychological or the suffering is physical, it is going to come to their lives because they called it by their very not-self nature and it goes deep into their bodies, deep, deep, deep into their bodies, deep into their psyche.
There are so many things out there that don't work for the nine-centered being, so many things that don't belong to us that are part of the homogenized world, allopathic, homeopathic, you name it, this kind of thing, that kind of thing, this philosophy, that philosophy, this religion, that religion, all the stuff. It's the martyr that says, the martyr in each of us, that stands up and says "for me, it's this way. I don't know about you.”
And frankly, I don't really care.
If you have something interesting to tell me, I'll listen about what you think, what your truth is. Everybody has a right to their truth. But it has to be correct, it has to be legitimate, it can't come from a perverted mental system."