Would You Rather - learn how to do your own marketing or hire someone?
That's the question I posed to my Facebook friends yesterday.
As you can see here...
...there were mixed responses.
Now that I've seen those replies ... I think we may need to have a chat about "What IS Marketing?"
Maybe not today, but soon.
'Cause it's not what most people seem to think it is.
Some people (many people) would prefer to hire someone to "do the marketing"
Some people would like to but don't have the funds (and even if you did/do, there's a potential pothole there ... a biggie)
And finally some are clear or more open to, understand what I do - that a hybrid model is what can suit most people in the end.
Part hands on (at least in the recognizing and guiding of things) and part outsourced.
Just don't be too quick to outsource.
It could land you in that pothole really fast.
Spending (wasting) money on things because you aren't familiar with what is actually being suggested to experiment with.
And YES virtually ALL marketing IS one big fat ongoing experiment.
What works for one situation/person/scenario in a certain space and time and voice and audience on a certain platform, may or may not be perfect for the next round.
As far as solopreneurship goes (and I connect with a lot of solopreneurs), this is extra true I believe ...
When we're selling/serving/sharing direct to the consumer, it's OUR voice that matters the most.
That and creating offers (and marketing creatives and doorways and conversations) that the right people can easily and transparently and authentically say yes to.
And some of that can be outsourced (eventually) and some just can't.
Make sense?
There's a book I highly recommend.
"This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See"
Pick up a copy and start digesting, k?
I'm sure you'll get some important nuggets.
Updated marketing ideas for our current times.
"Marketing is the generous act of helping someone solve a problem, THEIR problem." - Seth Godin