Feelings are running high for some folks atm - most loudly related to the Roe vs Wade overturn.
Whatever your position or thoughts in that direction, I’m happy to hear on this thread if you like, or I may get around to substacking about it - maybe….
Regardless of how you think that ruling ought to have gone - Katy Wise 5/1 splenic P made this reply on her timeline, I thought it so on point and relevant to HD experimening. 💕
And then she shared some more 😀
Katy wrote:
I hear you. And I understand your frustration... the best we can do is continue to live from our inner authority... and not let these power hungry assholes dictate how, or whether or not we even live our lives... it is sad, I feel for our world so much turbulence and compassion for so many suffering from anger or pain. If it's not this thing it's another thing... we would do best to remain focused on our inner worlds... keeping them healthy and pure, the best we can. I don't share anymore with many my real thoughts on these events anymore because, yeah, I've been censored as well... I just do my best to post statistics or "facts" so people can use their inner authority to wage where to place their energy in the matter... this has probably gone off the subject as I veer off this way sometimes but lately I'm just doing my best to complete a full thought without questioning where it's coming from or if it even makes sense... to honor myself and possibly touch someone else... anyway... it is a terrible thing "they" are doing to us all, but all these things can seize to cause us any suffering when we stop giving "them" the authority to dictate how we live our lives... now, sure, they can and have made life in general really miserable... and, with trusting our inner authority also comes knowing when enough is enough, knowing who has inspiring thinking, who has the true willpower to guide or enforce what really matters. And to me, what really matters is that all people REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE.
That doesn't require violence, or silence. It simply means they see the narrative and continue on their own unique path, despite all odds. Trusting all will be provided for, regardless of what anyone, outside of their intuition, says.
Ok, end thought ramble... for now 😆🤪😅🤣
[Later after I asked if it’d be cool to share that with this community, she asked if I’d like to read more. alA piece that she’d had some reluctance to post - that self-sensorship on FB that we can all relate to I think. Below is what she shared]
She continued -
It’s a bit long, but here it is 😬🙏🏼😅
So challenging to let go of the narratives we're fed. To turn our face, or our cheek, to the program... it can sometimes feel ... irresponsible, wrong, or arrogant, like it doesn't matter that millions around the globe suffer from the show on display.
I'm not trying to "proselytize" here, just utilizing the energy to share what I see... every single one of us will see the IT through their own filter, their own programming and conditioning... but it remains to be seen. And, not to repeat the slang of Ra like a broken record, but... really, what to do?
To see it. Is that really enough? I suppose it is for the individual. And for the individual that is recognized... ah! By the tribe? Or by the collective? Via fractals and resonance, hopefully, for the individual, that is, because frankly the narrative, nor the collective could give 2 shits about the individual. Possibly even the case for the tribe...
Do I sound completely obsure? It's ok, nothing to see here for you then, move along... but ah! If this sounds like, feels like, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, well, thank you for the recognition and reading on.
Anyway, it's not about me, but I am an individual, and I relate to the needs of other 'individuals' such as yourself that are tired if being held down by the man. I am an advocate for the individual, for self reliance, and yet I am not 100% self reliant as I'd like to be, just yet, but I've tools. And willpower, and I am doing the best I can to be an example of living in my authenticity despite the odds.
These narratives, I'm not saying what is happening isn't sad, wrong, or angering and frustrating, because they are all that and more... but to the collective. And to the not self individual... bitterness, anger, frustration, indeed. I feel for these individuals. And, more than anything what I wish for them is truth. Truth of who they are. Because if they knew the true power they possessed they would laugh at these "leaders" and continue beaming their light with authentic pride for their design.
To take a quote out of the bible, we were created in Gods image. What that means to me is empowering and a call for dutiful, radical responsibility for myself and this body of mine. It is my temple, my vessel for the journey I'm on. No one else's, and therefore it is my responsibility to uphold and protect it/me! As it is yours as well to do the same.
So anyway, I guess this got long lol I can definitely ramble on... all in all though, my point is, if you didn't completely catch it, is that none of it matters, and the sonner we can become unbothered by thier antics and narratives, the better off we'll ALL be as a benefit byproduct of self love and acceptance of personal responsibility. Sovereignty. It's been a lifelong journey for me to fine tune this sovereignty within the relationships with life. 🙏🏼💚