The Projection of 52.5
Gate of Stillness - Explanation
Keeping Still / The theme of focused and channeled concentration (or not)
Temporary and self-imposed inaction for the benefit of assessment. Concentration benefits from stillness and withdrawal. A passive rather than active energy.
Everything about this focus is in order to focus on detail. The gate on the other side is the Taming Power of the Small. The 62nd gate, the only other gate of detail, is also part of this logical circuit which is being fueled by this format energy. So detail is very important. There is no detail possible without focus.
The reality is that this fifth line is how the outside sees this hexagram, and what they see is the capacity for explanation.
Think about what it is like. You have a group of people that are discussing something. Let's say they are politicians. They are talking all night and they are going back and forth. There is one person in the group who said nothing. The moment that that person begins to speak, everybody listens because they respect
the long silence. There is something about these people who are focused that we respect. We respect the fact that they are really going through everything and therefore they are really able to tell us.
This fifth line gets projected on. They have that opportunity to become that kind of fuel for that process, to use their focus to fuel detail which is on the other side, which is what they are looking for and what they need.
This is the universalization of this hexagram. What that means is that, universally on this planet, what is built into us is the recognition that only after there has been this focus and concentration is there anything really worth respecting when it comes to knowledge. We are all deeply impressed when a theory we hear about suddenly becomes something that is proven valid and brought into the world.
There are all kinds of people working on that, being focused and concentrated to bring it to that final point, and this is what we
respect in the logical process. The thing is that the 52.5 people are projected on to be ready to focus on the details. They may or may not be focused.
It is simply a projected field.
The line is called Explanation. In times of inaction, the often important ability to explain ones position. The Earth exalted, like in the first line which means that this is a very stable force that both defines the exalted nature of the hexagram and defines the way the exalted is perceived from the outside. The often
terse but exceedingly accurate statement. This is the person who sits up all night and finally says, "That is all wrong. Let me tell you how it works."
In the white book: Where inaction and focus can lead to detail. It can lead to detail. Remember that it is not complete without its process on the other side.
In the white book it says, '...too much inaction.' This is the enigmatic-ness, the inability to really be able to understand why that person is silent, why they are being passive because it does not seem to follow any logical order. It seems very illogical to those who experience that from them.
Other people put pressure
on them to explain themselves and they can't. The moment that they are forced to try to bring it out before they have completed their own very long inaction process, what comes out can lead to problems.
The genetic capacity here is simply to be still. It is projected on them that they can be still, but everybody expects that out of that stillness comes an explanation. The people who have the detriment do not necessarily come out of that stillness with any explanation at all. Out of that stillness there is just stillness
and this is impossible for logical people to understand.
Why are you supposed to be concentrating on
something? It is like the kid who is told to focus on a book that they have to read, and the teacher asks them whether they have read the book. They say, "Yes, but I was not concentrating." This is this side.
If it is projected on them that they have to be silent and read the book, they do so but they do not come up with the details telling what the book is all about. What they talk about is, "It is nice to read this book. It is very quiet and peaceful in here." If somebody asks them to explain why, they can't and this infuriates
the others. They say to them, "but you are reading the book. Don't you know where it took place?" "I don't know," and this explanation signals, "Leave me in peace."
It is like the 3-D book. If you focus properly, you can see the three dimensional images inside. So, that is the exalted of it.
The detriment would be that you are looking at the pattern, you can enjoy that but you don't get to see what the detail is inside. It is funny because only certain people can go through and get to the third dimension and other people can never get to the third dimension, and some people can only get in there if they are alone. They can't do it if there is somebody around them pressuring them to see the detail.
That is a classic example for this line. It is a question of perspective. When you look into the future, into infinity, then you get the right focus. When you look close and cross your eyes, you get the negative image. It is convoluted. It gets turned the other way and you don't see the detail, but you have the focus.