The Real Secret to Creating Online Income - Doing Business as Yourself
You may have already read this on my FB wall - it's worth a revisit.
I’ve had a couple of calls recently (some might call them sessions or consults) that remind me how much I already know and possibly oughta be sharing more, about creating online income.
But there’s a piece missing from most people’s vision of this.
It’s not just about setting up some sort of machine that pulls in cash.
Well, actually - it can be, but also it’s not really that straight forward (there’s an art to it) and for most people, there’s a hurdle to get over.
See, before you get to the income part there’s got to be value brought to the table.
A REASON that people might be paying attention, seeing you as an authority.
In most situations, this value can also have the added perk of people feeling an affinity towards you. They can come to know, like and trust you.
Which is important. And also not something that's your business to try controlling.
It is however, totally possible to build rapport LONG BEFORE you ever actually meet in real time.
And that, my friend - value + rapport … is what makes sales online possible.
It happens that there is ONE medium that creates this perfect storm for selling better than any other.
Back to these calls I’ve been having lately for a sec.
Not everyone I’ve talked to has been afraid of this pivotal medium, but the ones who have, I’ve been able to share a training I did a few years back.
Even wrote an article about it last Fall - just freshened it up a bit this morning. You ever do that? Go back and make your own writing clearer later?
LOL - I do it All The Time.
Anyway, so I’ve been helping people with that for years and years - like more than a decade.
And for the ones who’re already over that hurdle, now I see a different sort of support they need.
That turns out to be the other thing I’m good at - writing copy.
And there’s ONE SINGLE piece of copy that’s more crucial than any other to get proficient at.
Without this one piece of the puzzle in place, all your other efforts become for naught.
Because way fewer people ever get to see your value.
They never click.
So what comes after that matters not a lick.
What is this magical piece of copy that can make or break your opportunity to connect with people?
It’s your headlines.
Headlines are:
The titles on your videos
Titles for blog posts
The first line on your social media posts
What you name your programs
Book titles
Email subject lines
The words you put on your video thumbnails
Each of those places are this super tight bottleneck of make or break - are they gonna click - or not.
I’m telling you, get good at this single point of copy and there can only be more eyeballs on your stuff.
Why would you want that?
(I realize that in some ways even the thought of that terrifies some folks, but stick with me here k?)
Here’s the thing.
—> More eyeballs = more opportunity for rapport.
—> More rapport = more opportunities to share your value message
—> More value received = more opportunity to transact
—> More transactions = you can afford to show up even more for your audience
In other words - everyone can win.
Now, there’s possibly more than one word or piece of the puzzle in that list above that’s making the breaks in your head go skreeeeetccch.
Actually, I know there is or you wouldn’t be reading this still.
Just ignore that for a moment could you please?
And really take in that this is how simple this can be (simple not necessarily easy - but doable!)
It all comes down to removing the points of friction.
Whatever those are.
Whatever that takes.
Whatever it is - removing those resistance points is key.
The more resistance is removed, the easier things flow, yeah?
It’s true in other parts of your life. Why wouldn’t it be true here?
What’s super (duper) cool is, this can also go hand-in-hand with becoming more and more you (cue the other thing I can easily talk about for hours - grin).
Human Design.
Lordy I can talk for hours on end about that.
There's something like that that's true for you too.
And there's also someone who isn't receiving it because you haven't made it available in an easy-to-say-yes-to way.
Andrea 😘
PS. If you haven't already started poking around my copywriting playlist - here's the link...