I’m going to paste my response to this in the comments These are my personality Node gates. 👍🏼 Have asked where the Ra snippet hails from.
Rose Osman wrote -
If you have Gate 28 and Gate 27 in your Personality Nodes, this is one of the things you are designed to see.
And if I'm not mistaken, in Feb 6th 2023, Gate 28-27 will move into Personality Nodes. Perhaps, that would allow us to see more glimpses of this hidden crisis (Neptune in 36).
“When you look out of 28 eyes, you see that death is everywhere. It takes everyone all the time, moment by moment, second by second. Boy, it's there. Every time you run into the story of somebody who's died, there is this instant. Oh, my God. I better hurry, because if I don't figure it out soon, big trouble just means another damn incarnation being stupid. I don't want to do that anymore.
You know, you look out with 28 eyes. It is a sad world out there. But you also get to see those people who seem to have found a value or a purpose or a meaning in their life. You seem to see it in them.
You also see how sad and desperate so many human beings are. I mean, after all, one can never forget that the 28 also includes the 28.6 and blaze of glory. That human beings can be so desperate, so totally desperate for any chance of finding purpose, that they killed themselves getting there. Of course, they don't get there, but on their way. Looking out through the world through those eyes tells you something.
This 27, 28 polarity. You cannot find purpose without intelligence for us, for any bio form, its purpose is limited to its level of intelligence. We happen to be deeply, deeply sophisticated as a form. So for us to be able to discern our purpose, this is quite something. But intelligence is what leads to it.”
Then Rose added -
This is what Ra said about intelligence that he mentioned above:
"The moment that you begin to follow your Strategy based on your type and all of that the moment you begin to follow your strategy that's the moment that you begin to move towards purpose. Strategy and purpose they are locked together and of course the pathway is intelligence." - Ra