Vanessa writes in her new FB group - The ART of Being YOU
(here’s the direct link if you’d like to have a peek
“Do you have the 44-26 channel?
The 44-26 cannot start from scratch. It doesn't invent things.
This is tribal creativity.
It's creativity is here to serve the tribe, to bring something new and improved to benefit the tribe.
The tribe isn’t interested in the beauty or appreciation of art.
This is about functional art. Does this benefit the tribe?
The Channel of Surrender is about surrendering the ego to getting appreciation. This is creativity as a result and product of willpower. This is not creativity that is subject to the muse.
This creative expression brings value to the tribe. In other words, it is something worthwhile having.
It creatively takes what exists and through destruction brings about a better, more useful creation. Destruction in the sense that it improves on something rendering the existing product unusable.
Think of advertisements: "new and improved".
Biologically, the 44-26 is the "healthiest" channel in the Bodygraph because of its relationship to the spleen and warrior Tcells. The Tcells destroys what isn't useful or is harmful to the body.
This creativity only works best when it is destroying something and replacing it with something new.“