This of course refers to people having a Manifestor human design … not ‘manifestor’ in the new agey, Notself sense.
“As we mature as Manifestors, because we're locked into what is an extremely difficult role in the sense that the onus is on us to initiate, and yet at the same time the vast majority of Manifestors are addicted to the Sacral Center and function fundamentally as Generators. They look a lot like Manifesting Generators in the way in which they behave and the way in which their energy operates.
And without recognizing it, without understanding the kind of impact that they're having, because most of the impact that the Manifestor is aware of, the only impact they're ever really aware of is what happens to them when they meet resistance, that thing that gets in the way. There is always that thing that gets in the way that creates that annoyance.
And it's only then that they realize there are forces that can be opposed to them, that there are forces that are going to be influenced by their activity, that child, that Manifestor child that the mother is never taking her eye off that child. They're not. Where any of the other Types can get away with not being accountable, Manifestors cannot get away without being accountable. The Manifestor making any kind of movement is going to attract notice.
Think about it. This is the thing about being a Manifestor. You're wrapped up in your Manifestor thing. And while you're wrapped up in your Manifestor thing, you forget, literally, that everything you're doing has an impact that is going to go out there in a motion and affect other beings in your life. It doesn't matter who they are. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. It is part of what it is to be a Manifestor.
Manifestor makes the whole idea of everyone being dependent and codependent, well, puts holes in it; makes a lot of people very uncomfortable. This is one of the things that you live with as a Manifestor. And you have to see that the moment you do anything, everybody else who has ever wanted to do that has failed at that because they met resistance.”