Meeting Critical Mass is About Persistence
I love the idea of reaching critical mass (and experience this as true across the board - whatever the thing is)
It can sometimes take a sort of blind faith.
Blind faith to me is maybe about Mind taking it’s proper place 🤔
The only question is - what do you want to reach critical mass of.
Or maybe the better question could be, what do you definitely NOT want to reach critical mass of.
For me with my 3rd line, open head and multiple go down the rabbit hole-ness in my Design, this can actually be some tricky tricky business.
I have to go far enough down the track to reach critical mass in a way ... and then sometimes I have to stop, in spite of the time and energy spent and break bonds or know when enough is enough (undefined sacral and emotional definition can make this a long drawn out tiresome boring thing lol - but that’s also my mind speaking there eh??)
Point is, my Design has no other way “through”
Some are mistakes and some are perfect and no way to know ahead of time.
For me -
Only way to know the perfection is to know what doesn’t work.
Critical mass puts a helpful concept (and maybe timeframe) to it.
“Each experiment that is successful for you becomes ingrained as cellular memory and that cellular memory grows until you reach the critical mass. That’s the third to fourth year and then at that time you have more cells inside of you that know what it’s like to go through the experiment and be successful than those that are conditioned. And that’s the moment that it stops being a full-time conscious job. That’s the moment that it starts becoming natural. It’s like learning anything because this is the natural cycle of learning; that’s why we get a seven-year itch. “Okay, I got it. I’m going now.” So it is that process and to recognize that it’s not a static process nor is it a process in which you have to go through it at the same rate or tempo as anybody else.”
~Ra Uru Hu
via Gaia’s timeline