What's so funny about this is - between us, John and I have 43 defined 2x and also have the full channels 28/38 and 39/55 that Ra is pointing to below. And John has I think it's 11 Individual Gates - that's a lot of deafness! 😄
Quote of the day by Koen -
"Individuals are not here to be influenced; don't want to be influenced.
I'm a 43 - 23.
Nothing! I hear nothing! Nothing.
I remember when I started, people would be stand in my face and they would be telling me all this stuff. I didn't hear a word of it!
You know, as my eyes glaze over, I'm not listening.
Struggle people - 28 - 38's - they don't listen! "Don't bother me now, I can't find my fucking keys! I can't listen to you while I'm looking for my keys! I'm deaf to all of that." "You left [them]..." You know, "Uh huh." Ha, ha, ha,
Individuals are designed that way.
Look, you cannot be Mutative and live a Collective life.
You cannot be influenced by the Collective or the Tribe.
Mutation is what's new; it's what's different.
And so anyone who has Individuality within their Design - that Individuality in them doesn't want anybody to interfere with them - doesn't want anyone to influence them. I grew up with a father who had a huge fiction library, and I read a tremendous amount when I was young.
And at some point, I just couldn't stand it anymore. Somebody inside of my head talking to me! I couldn't stand it anymore. I stopped reading. I can't do that. I just don't want to hear them. I don't want to hear their story about their stuff. I'm not interested - don't want it in my head. Don't want it, don't want it at all. Period.
This is the Pure Individual - "Do not influence me! You risk your well-being trying to influence me." And the thing that's frightening about that is that the Not-Self Individual doesn't listen to the truth - doesn't listen to the truth. It ignores it all the time, doesn't want to hear it.
Now by the way, that's not real deafness, after all. So it means that it does go in.
This is how it works. I'm a 43 - 23, and somebody'll come up to me and say, "Look man, you've made a terrible mistake. There's something wrong here." And they do their thing, and I don't hear them while they're doing that. I mean, I don't. When they're looking at my face, they realize that I'm not giving much credence to anything they're saying. Eh? And I take that in. And two or three days later, if it comes out of my mouth as my own expression, I took it in.
Now, many times people have told me things over the years in which they were right.
And in the moment that I took that in as a Classic 43 - 23, "You can't influence me, I'm not here to be influenced. I'm not listening to all of that," only to find myself two or three days later saying precisely the same thing they said.
And before I understood all of this, I never recognized that I was doing those things. Now I understand how that works - I understand how Individuality can accept, can accept correction and direction. It can.
But then again, you really have to get to a place where you're correct before you begin to experience that.
The same thing is true with the 39 - 55, that is with Emotional Deafness, or with Splenic Deafness, you know, the 28 - 38. Same principle.
They're not really deaf - they just don't want to be interfered with.
You know, it's my joke about a 28 - 38, and you have a 28 - 38, and you have an Integration circuit person, and they have a deep relationship to each other, and they're standing at a street corner, about to cross the street.
And the 28 - 38 steps out into the street and the Integration realizes that they're going to get hit by a car. And so the Integration, because Integration is transformed the moment it meets either the 28th Gate, or the 38th Gate - it stops being purely selfish, it starts paying some attention to the other. And in that moment, the Integration will grab that person, and yank them back.
You know what happens in that moment? That deafness, that struggle person, will turn around and look at you and say, "Don't do that ever again! You think I can't cross the street? You idiot!" You know? Whoa! Okay, I'll scrape you up. [laughter]
So, deafness is deafness is deafness. Individuals are not here to be influenced; don't want to be influenced."
Ra Uru Hu