I love sharing life changing things.
I said this out loud in a private message yesterday.
“I love sharing life changing things”
About a browser extension of all things 🙃😄
But then, as I read what I’d written, I heard how true it really was.
“I love sharing life changing things - it’s a thing! 👈🏼”
Thinking back, it’s true in so many different directions.
time and tension saving tech tools like One Tab or this locals platform (jury’s still out for now on that one)
essential oils that have kept me strep-free for 20+ years
online entrepreneurship and the lessons of leverage that have shaped what’s been possible
not the least of which has been to raise three darn amazing kids as an unschooling family
the magic of words and direct response copywriting - and its direct connect to personal autonomy
video bravery that swiftly encourages people who think they have no voice to find theirs (without apology or shame)
recently, a closer look at how we find ourselves in the mess we do now politically. Trust me when I tell you, it’s weird to be a not-especially-political-but-center-left-when-pinned-down person in these times. This round, the threat of Critical Race Theory won as top concern on my list. Let’s see what happens next.
certainty that no matter who’s at the helm in government, entrepreneurs can thrive
a mind tweaking image quote; if not today’s ... maybe tomorrow’s :)
an excellent (ideally transformational) resource 👈🏼 tough one to top tbh, part of my Design is about being a resource to a community or communities- like a librarian of sorts. Collector and keeper of the goodies.
None of which can be forced upon anyone of course.... Especially as a Projector - because otherwise - wasted energy and bitterness.
Which brings me to the last and not least life changing of things.
Life changing doesn’t begin to describe its impact.
The level of personal acceptance and understanding of those around me...
The ability to help people understand and accept themselves and the people around them...
Especially for people who are themselves leading or guiding others in some way.
Parents & Coaches come straight to mind.
It’s through you that I get to have a generational ripple effect while helping you to do the same.
It’s like a great big game of Pay it Forward.
Dunno about you but I think that’s kinda
And understanding that all of these things listed above (and likely a whole list of things that didn’t come to mind as I’m writing this)
ALL of those things, that are great when delivered to the right people, are also #projectorsuccess for me..
Well, that makes it win/win eh??
So maybe that’s what I really love.
And more often than not - when we get out of our own way - that’s actually a possibility.
Pretty cool 😎