oh good grief - I started writing out a post about watching myself working/do way extra yesterday and the transits and it timed out (was on the phone) ... whoosh gone :-p
Perils of a non-strategic mind or #3rdlinelife I suppose - I "know better" than to not save my work when I get to rambling as I type. And yet I still don't catch myself often enough.
Well anyway - here's the short, detail-free version LOL
1. the transits have the whole world sacral defined.
2. I did a weeks worth of "stuff" yesterday
3. Watching it all happening (and managing not to also overdo - mostly - brilliant)
4. the Gate of Shock is also in the transits - yesterday I got to watch that and his undefined solar plexus mess with John - completely.
5. one of the projects that Austin and I did was resetting the pavers that make stepping up to my building easier.
It was a non-stop day. NON STOP - though I did keel over and have a nap partway through.
Feel pretty good today - some muscle soreness, but I didn't OVER do (came a bit close lol) - and that seems to have made a difference.
It's same thing different day today - am gonna be sure to rest more.
PS. on image 2 - my chart is green and the transits as of yesterday noon are purple.