My thoughts on Critical Social Justice (in case you were curious)
So I just posted this to my FB timeline.
And it feels even more important, here on Planet Andrea, to be transparent about this rabbit hole I’ve been down recently.
I’ve come to my own conclusions and I encourage you to come to yours.
But you should have the opportunity to see through the Planet Andrea lens if you care to - and so here we go ... the FB post:
Sorry for the potential whiplash.
Tbh this makes me so annoyed to even have to mention.
I don’t plan to rant on about this in multiple posts ...
But this has got to be stopped (if it even can be)
If you want the written version of the same guy in the next link - James Lindsay - this is his website.
Listen to this when you have a chance - unfriend me if you must (if you aren’t open to possibly seeing the train wreck that Critical Social Justice has us headed for):
Biden is not the room:
You might find the playlist I’m gathering educational - I...