The Notself - what exactly is it?
The way I study & explore Human Design is exactly how I’ve done the same with pretty much everything else I’ve mastered all my life - not the way you’re “supposed to”.
It’s the same way I teach and guide with it. Maybe the closest way of describing it is unschooling. I unschool - pretty much everything.
Unschooling is a student-interest lead learning approach where the bounds and norms of ‘the traditional path’ are considered only should certification become important (and it’s never actually as important or in the way that most people imagine - apprenticeships and private teachers yes, certifications - meh 🤷🏻♀️)
So what’s that look like as an adult?
Well that’s tricky. Because if we’ve been through the Public School system, we’ve been we conditioned to think there’s a certain way to learn that’s “proper” and then there’s everything else.
Let’s take how I’ve learned (and continue to learn) Human Design as an example.
People ask me this from time to time. I don’t mind. They’re asking for context.
Usually it comes after they’ve experienced me either via videos I’ve made or through online community sharing. Maybe someday I’ll write a book or two, maybe not.
It’s highly “resistance reducing” to have people arrive curious and already recognizing you and the projects you’re doing, the skills and wisdom you have that can be tapped into - and how you arrived there - vs. looking for a resume that you can “prove” this or that with.
Maybe this is why/when can certifications become unimportant - they’re for working within systems that can’t recognize the individual 🤔
But I digress -
Other that self-learning through original texts and private guides, tutors and mentors (so ai am able to have a firmly set foundation to expand from) …
One of the most efficient and enjoyable (and also challenging) ways I’ve come to learn and build skills which can then morph into Mastery in things - is to dive in with real people - guiding and teaching what I’ve learned already.
The Notself Sessions which I’ve been in experiment and developing a rhythm and a pattern to is the most recent example.
I think it’s an opportunity to really serve people, help them to meet and navigate or begin to navigate their own (notself) traumas and to bridge the understanding gap between theory and seeing the mechanics of how they and others around them are wired - in real life.
Their real life.
This is the third dip I’ve taken into this sort of immersive “learning by doing” - set the foundation, then sessions and eventually recorded courses (or not) - depends on how interesting the dive remains.
Its began a few years ago with what I then called “Variables Sessions”
The next series I did was looking across family charts with Projectors in them - either as the parents or the children - Parenting Projector Sessions essentially, though they’re only just now getting named.
Human Design and Business sessions have happened occasionally by special request, but are a bigger nut than a session or two can begin to crack tbh - a program called - drumroll - “Your Human Design and Your Business” is currently in ‘build it while we fly it mode’
And most recently (a few months and now many hours of seat time later) - Notself Sessions
The Notself appears to be infinitely interesting.
And these Notself Sessions, a straightforward way of helping to look conditioning past and present straight in the eye without having to feel the weight of it in the ways that other self-awareness exploration can.
And I think I might be ready to teach them.
Here’s Richard Rudd on the difference between Self and Notself.
I have a slightly different understanding of and way to describe how it can be seen.
Short version is the white spaces in out charts are the places our Inner Authority is most easily hijacked.
Which, in the end is all that matter - recognizing when we’re making decisions from our own Authority.
And when we aren’t/haven’t.
And what that looks like in real lives.
“Self is your true behavioral nature that emerges without resistance into the world.
Not-Self is a conditioned programming overlaid upon your true Self.
The moment Not-Self behavior emerges into the world it meets resistance and goes on meeting resistance.
Your Not-Self is created by your upbringing, your society, your parents, peers and the world in general.
Be clear that when you look at your Rave [Huna Design] chart the open centers are not to be confused with your Not-Self.
In and of themselves they are innocent parts of your nature that are the most vulnerable to conditioning.
Because they are your true gifts, they can also easily become your wounds.
The Not-Self is a dysfunctioning of ALL your centers.
The white one's are trained to behave as if they were colored in, and the colored ones are where we meet the resistance from trying to live what we are not.
You can only really meet resistance where you are fixed.
For example, you may have an undefined Throat center and a defined emotional center. You try to attract attention because that is the Not-Self strategy of an undefined throat, but you meet the resistance in your emotions because that is where you are fixed.
When you first begin to become aware of your Not-Self, you slowly become aware of your True Self hiding behind it.
All you need is patience, in order to see every possible variation of your Not-Self and the resistance it goes on meeting again and again.
The more clearly you can see your Not-Self (and it is uncomfortable) [or it can be] the more clearly you can see your True Self.
In simply seeing the Not-Self, the programming loosens its grip.
After seven years, [of watching and noticing] very little of the Not-Self programming remains and you are left [what remains is] as you were intended be.
Remember that the Not-Self itself is still there, it is the programming (conditioning) of the Not-Self that has fallen away.
When this happens you live from your true self; simply surrendered to life as it moves through you, making its own choices whilst you stand by the side watching the process.”