This was shared in one of the Projector groups (without a tie in to HD, so it’ll be interesting to see if it stays there)
Pre-HD me would have felt compelled to fix that lack of “tie-in” btw 😅😅😅 - thank goodness I’m all better now 😂😂😂 (and that I have this space to expand my thoughts in without concern for censorship.
Oh hahahaha it’s in Projector VIP group - it won’t get deleted 🥰
But posting here does make it available to not only P’s so … cool :)
Seriously though - it seems like the medical “there is only one way” model is another system that’s being revealed.
And as a result breaking down/ questioned / more rapidly than ever.
Here’s where I think Human Design loops in.
What if some large percentage of the “problems” people have is really about not recognizing how their open parts and other Notself bits of their chart have been conditioned.
The Gates of Melancholy come to mind as a perfect example here.
It’s kind of mind blowing to think about really.