Whelp. I didn’t get to raise a Manifestor (or a Reflector) but I have this impression it would have been the easiest yet - for me.
I’m such a non-interference style parent - almost too much so to hear the (very occasional) laments of my kids … I think it works out in their favor in the end tbh, but all three have had their moments of complaint 😋 …
🤷🏻♀️ our three experiments continue 🤗
I really appreciate what Mark G had to add (posted after) to what Ra said.
Personally, I think informing is something most people can benefit from becoming skilled at.
I’d even amend what Mark’s written to include something I learned “mid our kids” experiment, which is to notice when things can be re-stated from a including “what isn’t permitted” to “what is”.
“How to be” vs “How not to be”
“What you want” (to see more of) vs “what you don’t want”
The whole “what you focus on expands” thing comes to mind here ☺️
Ra wrote -
“Manifestor children are the most difficult for parents. They are not naturally controllable because they know that they can ‘just do it’ themselves without help from anyone.
Manifestor children need to be taught to ask permission.
The parents need to not unreasonably deny the child’s requests so that trust builds between the parent and the child.
Otherwise, the child will stop asking permission and just do what they want to anyway.
These children need to be treated politely so that they learn to treat others politely in return.
Help your manifestor child to understand that his or her actions have a strong impact on others.
The child can then learn to inform those who will be impacted by his or her actions which, in turn, keeps relationships running more smoothly.”
Mark Germain wrote -
“This “asking permission” for a Manifestor child, is something I disagree with Ra.
From a skill/behavior acquisition standpoint, it is best to practice what is inevitably required.
Have the Manifestor child inform others, especially the parents/caregivers of what it is intending to do, and then the parent/caregiver can inform them that it is or is not permitted.
It acts the same way but in alignment for what they need as an adult or full-fledged Manifestor of any age.
So why teach them one way and then they need to switch, it’s nonsensical.
Manifestors communicate best through informing, either informing others or being informed; therefore, learn and reinforce that behavior from the beginning, and then there is nothing to change, as asking permission becomes/is superfluous.
Practice does not make perfect; perfect practice does. Especially the first seven years, where conditioning (aka learning) can take hold and mature correctly.”