Sometimes I use comments as a filter.
Thought this was interesting- this comment caused me to listen to the video.
I often find myself doing that - perusing the comments first as a filter to “does this video seem like it’ll be worth my energy to watch” :)
Another example of starting at the end and reverse engineering I guess 🤷🏻♀️
“I'm a retired Australian Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, having lectured the Health Sciences for the last eight years of my working life. If you would read my explanation of what "viruses" actually are, it is my hope that you gain some valuable insight.
Viruses, or "Filterable Bacteria" before the 1960s, have been given a bad rap ever since Pasteur's "Germ Theory" became the accepted thought over Bechamp's "Terrain Theory". However, it was Pasteur's Germ Theory that won the day and was accepted into mainstream medical thought and expanded by a burgeoning new system of Medicine known as Western Medicine. A purely Capitalist system designed specifically and foremostly for financial gain, and the inevitability of power over others.
So what are "viruses"? Well, I'll tell you what they are not. "Viruses" are not a marauding species of germs that roams the planet looking to invade and infect living organisms. Instead, "viruses" are vibrating packets of genetic information, more precisely "messenger" Ribo Nucleic Acid (mRNA), manufactured within all biological cells and designed to carry out and assist in specific vital functions within and by the cell. Importantly, one of those functions is the reuse and/or elimination from the body of dead cell debris during the process of apoptosis, or cell death. That's why "viruses" are always found around diseased organs and dead and dying tissue. But they're not there to hinder..... they're there to help. Just like white corpuscles (pus), that develop in an open wound. Not the enemy, but our friend.
"Viruses" are also designed to keep the cell functioning, balanced, and in harmony within itself and with neighbouring cells. Every living organism on Earth manufactures a variety of these messenger molecules, and because they clean-up ecosystems, without them every biological system would cease to exist because of a "gumming up" by dead and dying tissue. Understand that viruses are indispensable, and an absolute necessity to the continuation of Life on Earth. And as an aside, a glassful of seawater is estimated to hold up to six billion viruses. All encapsulated in innumerable microscopic sea creatures doing the same clean-up job as in terrestrial Life.
It's important also to understand that the Medical and Pharmaceutical industries have devised a perfect business model. Make a King's ransom vaccinating everyone from birth, and then totally clean up treating the myriad of diseases caused by vaccinations throughout a patient's lifetime. Bloody brilliant!
If vaccinations stopped today, the vast majority of modern immunological and neurological diseases would be a rarity in a generation.
It is my hope, and the hope of all sincere Alternative Medicine Practitioners, that this suppressed information is disseminated into mainstream thought.”
Now here’s the video -
PS. different flavor of No Choice from HD eh?