Undefined Ajna (healthy) = no certainty
“The Ajna Center is something else. It’s not spontaneous. When you think about the frequencies of the three awareness centers, because this is what it’s all about, when you’re over at the Splenic Center the frequency is existential. It’s absolutely spontaneous; it’s in the now. There isn’t even a vapor trail that’s left. It’s really just something that’s there, and then it’s not. It’s the purest and the most ancient of our mechanisms.
When you go up to the Ajna Center you end up with a frequency that’s absolutely horrifying and that is the frequency of all-time, or Alzheimer’s, one or the other. That frequency in which could have, might have, should have, would have, all that stuff lasts forever. This is one of the dilemmas of mind. It’s one of the built-in punishments for being unaware, is that to make a decision mentally which ultimately goes against your own nature, you will have to live with that decision on the mental plane for the rest of your life. When we’re dealing with the mind, when we’re dealing with the Ajna, we’re dealing specifically with the fear that we call anxiety.
Anxiety isn’t life threatening. Anxiety is not about your survival. But that very anxiety is something that becomes heightened the moment that you take an open Ajna Center and you put it under pressure. The moment you take an open Ajna Center and you define it and amplify it, that is, for example, coming from the Throat, the moment you do that what you’re doing is you’re raising the level of anxiety. The anxieties are very straightforward. They’re straightforward in the sense of understanding just simply the mechanics of the three streams that are operating in the Ajna. The anxiety of whether you can come up with a formula or not. The anxiety of whether you can make sense of things or not. The anxiety of whether or not you can express those things, ultimately, as a concept.
You can see that because the open Ajna Center is about being certain—after all, the not-self strategy of the open Ajna Center is always trying to be certain. This is the thing. It’s that trying to fix something that can never be fixed. Because it’s always trying to be certain, you can see that the activations that are going to define any channel are enormously seductive. They’re enormously seductive because they are a fixing. Think about it. When you look at the open Ajna Center, the open Ajna center is holding on. It’s holding on to certainties. It’s holding on to the certainties that were established through those definings. And unless they get consistency in the way they’re conditioned they cannot convince themselves that they’re certain. They can’t. So they naturally gravitate towards specific conditioning forces, naturally.
They will live out their whole life claiming that they’re certain in that way, out of fear. It’s just an anxiety and you see that anxiety only has power because human beings are convinced that if they don’t make decisions with their mind they’re lost, because it seems that everybody else does that. That everybody else is mentally deciding. It’s this terrible fear. It’s just a fear. That open Spleen might be afraid for its very security. But the open Ajna is afraid for its very mental health. It is a shattering experience for the open mind to discover that its whole collection of truths that it’s so certain about doesn’t mean anything, nothing. It cannot be trusted. It can never be trusted. They can only be interesting. They can’t be anything else. There is no certainty.”