What is Human Design & What is Not
This comes up often enough it's worth having a quick link to point to - What Human Design is and What it Isn't.
Koen Hillewart wrote in the 'Human Design Projectors' FB group -
"I think it’s time to bring some clarity to what is Human Design and what is not Human Design. Who is transforming you into being correctly you and who is sending you astray and your mind keeps on interfering to be the driver.
There this thing that was created by Jena Zoe “specific and non-specific manifesting”
There’s not such thing… this is not Human Design.
And it is not only that… it is in anything they tell… they basically tell you what your mind loves to hear, a mix of truth and nonsense or their own opinion…
None of them has been in Human design for longer than a couple of years…
None of them has been there for 7 years deconditioning.
And none of them is living their experiment. They live their mind.
Anyway… try it, see if it is true in your experiment.
So who does send you astray? Remember, it's not about them, it's about what they teach...
Jena Zoe
Ardelia Lee (that projector life)
Shayna Cornelius & Dana Stiles (Dayluna)
Tiffany Purdy
And all the other Human Design readers trained by Jenna Zoe
I may add people to the list, as soon as I did my investigation on the others.
If they are on your fractal, fine… enjoy! You may like them... But they will not bring you to yourself. They bring you to your mind.
Human design is a tool to make decisions as yourself and that happens through strategy and authority... It's about surrendering to the form.
7 years of radical deconditioning may bring you a form that awakens and then the passenger starts to see..."
He also wrote this blog post (here's a link to the original and also have copied it below:
There's a lot of HD information on the net.
And the thing is, often, without many years of study, we are not able to discern if the information is true or not... and you start to believe what "they say...".
It is important to stay with the source, because this is not simple words, the purpose of HD is to help you transform! So you surely want the right transformation, do you?
It is important to stay with the source and start your experiment from the source... Within your experiment the things will become clear... What is true for you.
Imagine that you want to become an opera singer and you get class from a teacher that gives you a wrong technique and it damages your voice... not only do you have to unlearn the bad techniques, decondition from that for 7 years, you also damaged your voice... so stay with the source, the right words... they are NOT just words... They Transform you.
Keynotes are very, very complex formulas, deeply simplified.
Look at the source of the pages. Is the source mentioned? No? Then it's the "They say..." information.
As you have noticed in my posts, I always mention the sources.
This is the reason Ra created his institute (jovian archive) and the school (IHDS), with certifications and courses and licences. So that the information shared stays accurate and correct. No deviation. Ra could see and understand that towards the future this would be necessary for the coming time.
Watch out with sources from the internet, everybody can say that they are a doctor... Until they have to do surgery on you.
Everybody can put something on the net, and there's a lot of mis information out there.
Typical example:
Some sites claim there's 5 types (manifestor, manifesting generator, generator, projector and reflector), well, I hope this doesn't surprise you, but there's only 4 types.
It is very clear. The aura defines the type and the type defines the strategy... there's 4 aura's, 4 types, 4 strategies... if you deviate from that, you allow deviation from everything and sure, that may be on your fractal if that happens, but it's away from HD in it's essence.
Remember that the aura/type/strategy is the most important fundament of HD. The strategy and authority transforms the vehicle.
It's your experiment. Do you want a human design experiment?
Then stick to the source. Do you want to deviate?
Fine! Know that the outcome will deviate too. It is most likely then something else, not Human Design.
Enjoy your experiment!
Posted 27th March 2019