The thing about open centers …
For clarity, technically speaking “an open center” is one with zero gates activated; no gates lit up on its white-centered self.
(Hahaha that sounds slightly non-PC … but ask me if I care 🙃😊 .. hint, I rarely care what anything sounds like to the outside at this point - if it amuses, brings a smile, has you thinking… it just doesn’t matter to me anymore, though it can be fun when that’s part of the package - it’s #projectorsuccessful for me, when I hear about it.)
But I digress …
An undefined center therefore is a white center with one or more gates lit up on it. This gate is referred to as a dormant potential.
Any Gate like that, on a white center of your body graph, is consistent energy which actually IS NOT an actual consistent energy.
Instead, it’s only when that Center is “lit up” by either the transits/universal weather, or by being in the aura of another who happens to have that Center defined.
Then the switch can get flipped and ‘TA da’ you have access to the energy of that Gate.
The other person or the transits could also have a gate that, when joined electromagnetically to yours, defines the related center.
And the dormant potential becomes consistent energy - for you.
Let’s let Ra explain -
“Remember something about your open Centers…
The whole thing about an open Center is that it has a strategy.
This is called strategy transference - decision-making transference.
[For example, as a sacral Generator]
Instead of making a decision in response out of your Sacral, you transfer the decision-making to that open Center and its [notself] strategy, and your mind expresses it.
So your mind says -
"We're making a decision now, based on the fact that we have to prove something.” [undefined/open ego/heart/will center]
“We're making a decision now based on the fact that we have to attract attention.” [undefined/open throat center]
“We're making this decision based on..." [tge notself theme of whatever open/undefined center]
It has nothing to do with who you are!
You cannot reason with that mind. I've tried.
I'm a good teacher; I'm articulate, I know my stuff. I have tried over and over again to explain to Generators, "Look, it's your mind. Your mind is your enemy.”
Your mind is taking you away from your truth.
Your mind doesn't like your Sacral at all! [insert your personal Authority here]
Your mind is here to deal with all these cute sophisticated concepts.
You think that the Generator mind wants to give up its Authority to a grunting machine??
"Yes, let's give up everything that we learned in philosophy, and let's live our lives as 'Uh huh, uh uh: Sure, sure, that's the right thing to do! Good life! Yeah."
The mind's interest is in the life, not in the work.
Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors are here to focus on the life, because they have to deal with the other.
The Generator is here to focus on the work, because that's where they find their truth.
Their NotSelf mind, however, goes into the same game that was structured by Manifestors in the beginning.”
Any questions?